6 Cutting-edge Tips to Improve Your Marketing Strategy


Homerun Nievera, Negosentro | Are you getting the results you want from your marketing campaigns? If not, it might be time to change up your strategy. Effective marketing isn’t easy, but if you want your business to thrive, it’s essential to learn how to market well. These six tips will help you make the most of your time, energy, and marketing budget.

  1. Make audience personas.

How well do you know your audience? If you’re not sure exactly who your ideal customer is, it’s time to find out. Conduct some market research to find out who is most likely to need your product or service. Then use that information to build some audience personas, which are fictional representations of your ideal customers. To ensure your marketing is on-target, tailor your campaigns towards these personas, instead of trying to make your marketing appeal to everyone in the world.

  1. Collect customer testimonials.

Testimonials are a powerful way to increase the perceived value of your product or service. People are more likely to trust your business if it’s been endorsed by other customers. Getting testimonials is simple – just approach some past customers and ask if they’d be willing to write one for you. Make sure to choose customers who are happy with your product or service! Your website is a good place to display your testimonials.

  1. Nurture your leads carefully.

If someone is still on the fence about making a purchase from you, the worst thing you can do is disappear from their radar. Instead, find ways to stay in touch with your leads. Don’t try to push them into buying anything – just remind them that you’re out there, and provide information that will help them decide whether to make a purchase. A drip email campaign is a great way to nurture leads.

  1. Use social media the right way.

Social media can be a great way to connect with leads and build customer loyalty. But if you take the wrong approach, you can also waste a lot of time and effort with social media. To ensure that social media is a good investment for you, focus only on the platforms that your target audience uses – you don’t need to have a big presence on every platform out there. Work on starting conversations and connecting with your audience. Don’t just push your product or service all the time, or people will get annoyed and stop following you.

  1. Focus on the customer, not your product or service.

One of the secrets to great marketing is focusing on the customer, not on what you’re selling. Leads will get bored if your marketing just consists of a dry run-down about why your product or service is great. Put the customer at the center of your marketing instead. What kind of problems does your ideal customer have? How does your product or service help to solve those problems? You’ll get people’s attention better if you talk to them about themselves, instead of about you.

  1. Track your metrics.

It’s hard to know where you should be making improvements if you’re not sure how your marketing campaigns are performing in the first place. Fortunately, you don’t have to guess how you’re doing. There are tons of tools out there that will help you track and measure your marketing efforts. Google Analytics is one of the best tools at your disposal (and it’s free), but there are lots of other options out there that will help you monitor your social media, PPC, and email marketing performance as well. Check your metrics on a weekly or monthly basis so you can see what’s working and what isn’t.

The Takeaway

Learning how to market well is a challenge, but it’s well worth the effort. If you want to get better results from your campaigns and stretch your marketing dollars further, use these six strategies to inform your marketing decisions.


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Homerun Nievera

Homerun Nievera is the publisher of Negosentro.com and WorldExecutivesDigest.com. He has interests in several tech and digital businesses as director and chief strategist.

Homerun is a digital evangelistcontent marketer and lifelong learning advocate. Homerun is the “He Said” in the popular Facebook Page He Said, She Said. Email at ask@homernievera.com.

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