6 Ways to Boost Social Media Engagement

Social Media Engagement
Credit: Pexels.com

Negosentro|6 Ways to Boost Social Media Engagement|It is not an exaggeration to say that social media has changed the world we live in, and whatever your personal opinions on the topic, as a business owner you must accept that it is one of the most powerful (and low cost) engagement tools at your disposal. 

First and foremost, your social media activity should add value in some way. You should be creating content that shares information and helps the audience to overcome a problem. This will show your brand to be an authority in your sector and that you are genuinely trying to help people. 

Here are 6 other ways to boost engagement via your social media activity.

Communicate your brand mission

All of your social media activities should align with and reinforce your brand values and mission. If you have a company motto or slogan, can you weave this into a weekly or monthly feature that relates to it? Try to maintain an authentic voicethat is conversational but still professional to encourage users to enter the conversation.

Use it as a customer communications tool

Social media platforms give existing and potential customers the opportunity to contact your brand. They expect brands to display up to date information and to respond to queries and comments quickly. Each platform could have slightly different purposes, e.g., Facebook could be mainly for your customers while LinkedIn could be for your industry contacts such as suppliers.

Make content interactive 

It can help to include interactive content within your strategy, which directly encourages engagement. This could include asking your audience to take part in a poll, to vote, or to enter a competition. 

The competition prize does not need to be extravagant. In fact, branded merchandise is often very well received and has the dual function of also acting as an advert for your business. A fun item like a custom magic 8 ball with your logo, for example, is something unique which they are likely to show to friends and family. 

Connect with the audience emotionally 

Emotional connection is hugely important in the buying process, which is why customers are more inclined to buy from companies they trust and like. To connect with customers on a human level, try to include stories, images and videos, including topics related to challenges your audience faces and anecdotes of how your product or service has helped others. 

Ask the audience for their input

Rather than always broadcasting content, why not invite your audience what they would like to see? This shows that you are genuinely trying to help your customers and make it more likely they will engage with the content you post. You could even ask people to contribute content they have created or third-party content they have found useful.

Show your customers ‘behind the scenes’

When companies are open enough to share the inner workings of their operation, they improve the audience’s level of trust in them. This is why many consumers will choose a small local company with a human side over a large international corporation that is guarded by automated telephone systems. Consider sharing some ‘meet the team’ features or a video guide to show your products are produced to break down some barriers. 

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