7 Tools Every Travel Blogger Should Know And Use In Blogging!

Travel Blogger blogger

Negosentro.com | For many, it’s not just about travelling and filling Instagram with lots of images; it’s about documenting every information of cobbled street, unfamiliar foods, and most travelled places to share to the world.  And, that could be done with a travel blog!

Being a travel blogger is the most lucrative thing for catapulting you around the world. But, how will you create a successful blog? Have a look at some tips: 

Pick A Name Or URL That Is Unique: 

When thinking about the name for your blog, think of the scope and your travel style. Let’s say; you only want to show historic places, so think of the title that goes with the purpose. Then, think of the available URLs. 

Pick domain names that are easy to remember, short and catchy.You can also look for thebest travel blog resources tools that are free and paid. Whether it’s the luxury travel or backpacking, stick to the category, and make your blog unique. 


Include A Travel-Focused Design Theme: 

To let people know what you are offering, pick a relevant theme that suits your blog! Make sure that the theme quickly loads your travel pictures and videos along with all the travel stories and tips you put up on the blog.  Pick a free theme (as there are hundreds of available) or a paid one, include relevant plugins to make it look great. 

Have A Web Host That Load Images And Videos: 

A travel blog without pictures and videos will look too dreary. Also, images and videos that have high load time distract users. So, choose a web host that easily loads even the heavy pages and images quickly. 

Moreover, photos and videos need a lot of storage space on the site back up, so make sure you pick the host with a good backup. 

 Be A Master Of Posting Pictures: 

Photos break the block of text and also add a gleam and level of engagement in the posts. They add an extra layer of engagement to the post and help in highlighting the points you want to show. But, how did you start with the blog quality photos? 

The most important tool you need for this is a good quality camera or a phone. Also, learn about the right angles, lighting to click perfect photo. Keep in mind that photography is a skill, and it only develops through practice and time. 

Plugins And Analytics: 

Just like you want to explore a new place every time, blog readers are on a quest to read new travel blogs that are interesting and informative. So, to bring your blog in the search result, make sure it is well optimized as per the search-engine result. 

Use different WordPress plugins, SEO tools, Yoast, and more. Do keyword research, find relevant keywords, and integrate your blog with Google analytics. Furthermore, Google analytics help on measuring the traffic on your blog. It means, you can clearly check how many people visit your site, which country they belong, what attract them most to your blog, and more. 

Source: https://www.wp101.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/analytics.jpg 

Social Presence: 

Social media presence can make your business reach heights. Platforms like Google Plus, Twitter, Pinterest are the most common weapons that help to build your business value. So, use them and increase followers. 

Keep on posting and reposting pictures and travel things to your social media. When not travelling, you can post travel tips and other content to let users know that you are active. Get engaged in the community of social media users and interact with them. You can share your views on the places you had travelled or can get hints about the places that are in your bucket list. 

Source: https://econsultancy.imgix.net/content/uploads/2018/09/04155306/social-media-image-.jpg 

A Newsletter And Email List: 

Let your readers know where you are travelling next with the newsletter. Keep up with your forthcoming adventures with an email to let them know what’s coming. You can even generate other signups if you can offer different content. Things like ‘top ten tips,’ ‘best road trips,’ ‘budget guide on traveling’ and more help increase user engagement.

A Professional Email Address Tied To The Blog: 

Once you have everything, get a site professional address to make things look more professional. Not only that, having a professional address will make it easier for you to keep things separate from the personal blog.  

Patience And Be Persistent: 

Success doesn’t come in one night; you have to be patient and persistent to achieve it. Spend time in posting articles, keep engaging with the audience, be active on social media, and aim only to get real followers. Of course, it might take months to get returns back, but you will surely get if you are doing something of your interest. 

Travelling is fun, but documenting the travelling experience is even more engaging and entertaining. So, create your travel blog and let others experience what you had experienced.

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