7 Ways to Best Protect Your Data

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Negosentro.com | 7 Ways to Best Protect Your Data | The internet has a huge part to play in the way people conduct their daily lives. On one hand, this technology allows people to express themselves and connect with one another on a scale never seen before. However, the connectivity of the internet allows criminals a bevy of ways to hack information and infiltrate private data. Thankfully, this new wave of online criminal activity comes in numerous ways to counteract malicious software and other cyberattacks. Read on to find seven ways you can best protect your personal information from being tracked and stolen by cybercriminals.

  1. Refine Your Passwords

Your log-in credentials are crucial to keeping your personal information from being stolen. Keeping this barrier as protected as possible is essential, which is where strong passwords come into play. Having a weak password of just a few uncapitalized letters will not suffice. Make use of a password manager to generate and keep track of strong passwords. To cut out the password system altogether, there are now ways to make use of a passwordless login feature that will protect against intruders finding your log-in information. 

  1. Use Anti-virus Software

If your device is afflicted with malware, your data will be at risk. By making use of anti-virus programs, you can detect these threats before they damage your system. Regularly updating your software will prevent stronger threats from breaching outdated programs.

  1. Encrypt Your Personal Information

When dealing with sensitive information, encrypting the data keeps it protected. Encryption is the process of scrambling the information into an unreadable code for people without the authorization to view it.

  1. Use a Virtual Private Network

Your online activity may be at risk of being monitored by unauthorized parties. A virtual private network, or VPN, is like a cloaking device to put over your internet usage, preventing cybercriminals from harvesting your private information. With dependable VPN software, you can browse the internet and make important transactions in secrecy.

  1. Use a Firewall

A firewall puts up a virtual barrier between your network and other networks. This software monitors network traffic and keeps track of incoming and outgoing access. With a complex and properly configured firewall, you can protect your network and regulate who accesses your server. 

  1. Layer Different Types of Network Security Software

Any given form of network security does an important job toward protecting your servers. However, any one form may not be enough to keep particularly skilled hackers from bypassing your defenses. For extra protection, using multiple different types of computer security at once can make hackers’ jobs more difficult.

For instance, a cybercriminal may be able to bypass one layer of security, but if you have multiple types layered on top of one another, the chances of your defenses being breached are lowered. You can never be too protected, so try not to rely on only one form of security.

  1. Physically Protect Your Information

Although the ways to protect yourself in the digital space are reliable and numerous, keeping your data protected in the physical space is just as important. Computer files are always at risk of being accessed or seen by intruders. As such, instead of storing your passwords on a potentially accessible file on your computer, write them down on a physical piece of paper that you can hide in a place only you know about.

If you are in charge of a business, for example, keep your server locked in a room with limited access. If you are just using your computer for personal use, still place a limit on who can access your devices only to people you can trust, as your information could be compromised by something as simplistic as someone logging onto your computer.

Regardless of whether you use the internet for business or for pleasure, staying safe online is important. There are thankfully more resources now than ever before dedicated to keeping your information safe from criminal activity.

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