7 Home Businesses You Can Start Today

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Homerun Nievera, Negosentro |  Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t. The entrepreneur builds an enterprise, the technician builds a job. So, folks decide on what you want to become. We list you here some simple and easy business options for becoming one.

People adopt two business types, basically. One is a Full-time business and the other is part-time. Full-time businesses require a major investment, unlike the part-time or the very small scale businesses. People start many types of small scale businesses depending on the society they live, their educational background, personal interest, etc.  Here are a few such businesses listed.

  • Electronic repair services

Now-a-days one couldn’t find a person without a mobile phone and a home without an electronic equipment. Electronic gadgets have become such an important part of modern day lives, that one can’t imagine life without them. Although these gadgets come with their insurance, people opt for quick-fix like these can provide rather than sending them for days together. One can easily open a cell phone repair business, mobiles, laptops, kitchen appliances, musical equipment, cameras etc.

  • Tailoring

Tailoring is another common business people adopt mostly. This business is of pretty low investment, as the only requirement is the sewing machine and some threads and buttons. But importantly one has to be a professional in stitching with the machine, which one can easily learn in a couple of months.

  • Beauty Parlor and Personal care

This is an option for the modern-day women. This can be set up in one’s home/apartment without any commercial space but requires a bit of knowledge on fashion and beauty tips. This can really be a great business option if one can improvise and provide bridal make-ups and hair-cut packages, etc. This requires a bit of investment on the cosmetics and that too in a large varieties.

  • Day-care centers for pets

This business works in modernized societies where most people work and can’t find time to take care of their pets. They won’t find a better place other than this for their puppies. The requirements for this business might be a large empty space for the pets to play and food for them. Providing food for the puppies and medical attention will attract more pet-owners.

  • Taking up of tuitions

This is a good and ethical business to do. This is for mainly educated house-wives who can’t work for various reasons, old or retired parents, and college students. One can easily find school-going children in their own locality to start this business. This is a very responsive type business, as if the child does well in academics, many of his/her classmates will follow, which is good for one’s business as well.

  • Retail Store

This is again an option for likely not updated people, and those who couldn’t find a permanent work. This requires an initial investment to buy products and set up a store, which is a one-time investment. Later on business carries on basing on the locality. One thing needs to keep in mind is that the locality selection should be done carefully so as to face less competition.

  • Website development

Digitalization is in full swing in this 21st century. Websites became the primary way for businesses advertisements and providing information. If one have this skill, he/she can start this business as its future scope is good. If not one can easily learn this skill without much of difficulty as there are numerous websites providing tutorials on web development. One can think of developing websites for restaurants, shopping marts, blogs, feedback forms, etc.

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       Homerun Nievera

Homerun Nievera is the publisher of Negosentro.com and WorldExecutivesDigest.com. He has interests in several tech and digital businesses as director and chief strategist.

Homerun is a digital evangelistcontent marketer and lifelong learning advocate. Homerun is the “He Said” in the popular Facebook Page He Said, She Said. Email at ask@homernievera.com.

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