Moving Home? 7 Furniture Removal Tips for Stress-free Moving

Stress-free Moving

Moving from one home to another is always demanding. This means you need to transport all your necessities from your current home to your new home. With packing and arranging of your household items to ensure you relocate requires an expert. Therefore, you must hire a local company that deals with removing household items professionally.

To avoid an unnecessary accident while moving to your new home consider the following removal tips. You will have a stress-free moving if you use the following tips.

  • Furniture Removal Company

You know the month when you will be relocating to your new house. Therefore, you must choose the best furniture removal company. No company is usually free to work with you instantly. Hence, you require to book weeks or months before you move to your new house. Furthermore, you need to take your time to select the best removal company. Things you need to consider include:

  • Customer reviews: Look for a company that has many positive customer reviews.
  • Location: Hiring a company that well knows your area where you are relocating to is usually beneficial as they know the location better.

Hence, before you hire a removal company consider the above things.

  • Decluttering

You don’t need to move into your new home with unwanted furniture or household items. You must declutter your home before you move. This will make your work easier when moving.

Decluttering will also help you save the cost of relocating to your new home. Once you declutter your home you can either give the items away, throw away, or decide to recycle them. Additionally, apart from cutting the cost of transportation, it will also reduce the time of moving to your new home.

  • Being Well-Versed with Your New Home

Yes, you have decided to move to your new home. However, you don’t know the location or terrain of your new home well. Before you move to visit your new home and become well-versed. This will also help you know how you will arrange your new home and which items will move first. Therefore, don’t just blindly move from your current home to the other. Ensure you take your time to learn where you will be calling home first. Moreover, you will also know which items or furniture are not necessary for moving to your new home.

  • Take apart your Furniture

To avoid repairing your home, because of your furniture having bruised the wall, you need to take apart your furniture. Your bed, tables, chairs or couches, cupboards, stands, etc. need disassembling before moving them out. Other than preventing the damage it also helps to save on energy of carrying them. So, taking apart your furniture you will ensure you avoid unnecessary accidents when moving.

  • Ensure Your New Home is Tidy

You cannot move into a dirty house. A clean home ensures that you can arrange your household items appropriately. Apart from ensuring your house is clean the environment of your home needs to be clean. If you have a pool, ensure it is clean. Your fence needs trimming before moving in. apart from your home being clean also the furniture needs cleaning before being arranged for your new house.

  • Disconnecting Devices

This is a simple task that you need to do before your removal company arrives. This is one area where many of you will tend to forget. To avoid accidents of carrying devices while they are still connected to the sockets disconnect them before. Devices such as TV, kitchen devices should be disconnected before you move. Therefore, make the device disconnecting a priority.

  • Pack Other Personal Stuff

You don’t need to wait for the removal company to do everything for you. There are other personal items such as clothes that you can pack. This will save on time the removal company will take to move you from your current home to your new home. However, don’t start moving heavy household items. Such items you can leave it for the removal company you hired to do the work. Moreover, you don’t need to buy new packaging items you can use boxes to pack the easy household items.


Once you have done all the above things you can now move into your new home comfortably. However, while moving you need to ensure that your children are not part. You can send them to play or have fun and later pick them. If you have pets ensure they are also not part of your relocation process. You can find a way to keep them away.

Another important thing you need to remember is to inform your neighbors and caretaker about moving to a new house. They can also help when any problem arises while you are moving out. For a stress-free removal of furniture to your new home follow the above tips.

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