5 Ways to Improve Safety Management in Your Company

How to Make Your Office COVID-Safe Safety Management in Your Company
Image source: Pexels.com

Negosentro | 5 Ways to Improve Safety Management in Your Company | Accidents can happen anywhere. They need to be prevented whenever possible and managed correctly when they do occur. Whether you work in an office or on a construction site, safety is an essential component of the workplace. Here are five ways to improve safety management in your company

1. Employee Training

You could have the most well-thought-out and sturdy safety management plan in the world, and it would still be basically useless if your employees don’t understand how to follow it. You must invest in employee safety training to ensure your staff know what to do in case of various emergency and other dangerous situations. You should plan for general hazards like fires, accidents, injuries and outside-source emergencies like active-shooters. Make sure employees understand how to identify, process and respond to each kind of situation in order to maximize their safety and well-being.

2. Hazard Control and Prevention

Be sure to implement the proper methods and provide the proper tools for hazard control and prevention. Include the obvious, such as sprinklers, smoke alarms and fire extinguishers, but also include the less-obvious, such as automated external defibrillators. Invest in prevention tools such as fireproofing, too. Make sure your hazard control and prevention plans are flexible. You want to be able to implement new suggested strategies and updated tools as they become available so your measures can be as strong and effective as possible. You’ll also need to make adjustments for each worksite your employees utilize, whether that means the team travels to different sites regularly or the whole company is moving to a bigger office. Different spaces have different safety requirements.

3. Management Commitment

Each level of management must be committed to your company’s safety plan in order for it to be effective. Senior management is going to be overseeing safety management as a whole and allocating budget segments and resources for safety, so they need to both be aware of the plan and willing to approve all aspects of it. Department and team managers will be in charge of ensuring employees comply with the safety plans. They will also act as the vector through which employees report incidents or violations up the pipeline. If management backs your plan for safety management, other employees are far more likely to come on board, too.

4. Security Segmentation

While your security and safety measures should be cohesive, there are benefits to segmenting these measures. Segmentation, whether virtual or physical, helps limit the accessibility of certain sensitive areas of your workplace or network and restrict who can enter those areas. In the physical workplace, you can implement a system of keyfob or ID being required for entry to each area of the building or special codes or authentication methods to enter the most secure areas. In your network, you could implement zero trust segmentation, a system by which automatic access is restricted and users must be approved and authenticated before entering any secure area of your network.

5. Worksite Analysis

If you perform worksite analysis, you’ll be doing much of the prep work for control and prevention. If your worksite is one office building, you can review the extant control and prevention measures, then make updates or additions as needed. Repeat this process at regular intervals to ensure continued safety compliance. If your employees are going to be working on multiple sites, for example if you’re managing a construction firm, then you’ll need to implement a plan wherein someone performs a worksite analysis for each worksite. Have the inspector identify potential hazards so you can implement solutions. Once your team is onsite, make sure employees are aware of how to handle and report accidents and safety violations. Ensure that there is a system of review and investigation for any incidents that do occur.

There are many things you can do to improve safety management, of which these are just a few. Your safety management will depend on your workplace. What works for an office may not be applicable to a construction site and vice versa.

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