Top 4 Ideas to Celebrate and Appreciate Your Staff in 2021

Top 4 Ideas to Celebrate and Appreciate Your Staff in 2021 | Top 4 Ideas to Celebrate and Appreciate Your Staff in 2021 | The worldwide coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has put a great deal of stress, worry, and pressure on business owners, managers, and the employees themselves, and if you are lucky enough that your business is still in the proverbial one piece, it is time to truly show your appreciation to your workforce and celebrate them and show your ultimate appreciation for their unwavering loyalty.

That being said, here are the top four ways to celebrate and appreciate your employees in 2021:

  • Throw an Office Party

So, the last thing you want to do is be the world’s cringiest boss by micro-managing your way into throwing the worst ever office party on record. Instead, let the natural and organic conversation flow and really go to town on quality and delicious buffet food for the evening. 

For drinks, the easiest, most impressive, and relatively affordable way to keep your employees from experiencing empty glasses and dry mouths is by hiring the services of experienced professional event bartenders who will bring the bubbly, the fun, and the pleasure to your office party. 

  • Hold an Annual Awards Ceremony

Now obviously, the practicalities of an all-out black tie and cocktail dress affair in the middle of the working week in an office would be problematic, to say the least. However, an annual or bi-annual awards evening where you recognize the stand-out performances of individual employees would go an incredibly long way in showing your appreciation to your workforce and those people without whom your business simply wouldn’t be as profitable and successful. 

  • Offer Incentives and Rewards

A simple thing like an incentive to sell the most of whatever it is your business specializes in for the member of staff who wins is a sure-fire way not just to show recognition but also to motivate your employees from day to day. 

There are a plethora of effective and engaging employee incentives to choose from, including unlimited sick days, once a month inviting your staff to bring in their pet (if feasible in the workplace, obviously), 100% attendance rewards, and flexible schedule and working from home options (again, if possible within your business model).

  • Publicize Employee Achievements

Whether you like it or, indeed, not, social media platforms are becoming more and more important to the effective running and profitability margins of any business across the western world, regardless of size or industry. 

Using your social media channels to announce individual staff member’s achievements will not only make your employees feel valued and needed, but it is also fabulous publicity for how you run your business and speaks volumes about you as the manager.  

If you don’t already have a staff bulletin board or monthly newsletter, take the initiative and start one, whereby a page of the newsletter or a side of the board could be dedicated to celebrating those employees who have worked incredibly hard and gone above and beyond for the company.

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