A Guide to Creating a Healthier Working Environment

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Other than our homes, the workplace is probably one of the places where we spend most of our time. Therefore, it is important that you are working in a healthy environment, and it is your employer’s responsibility to make sure this happens. 

If you are an employer with members of staff working for you, then there are many reasons why you should make your working environment as healthy as possible. Aside from the fact that it is your responsibility as an employer, you may also find that failing to provide a suitable working environment can contribute to a lack in overall productivity. 

Working in a healthy environment means your employees will be both physically and mentally healthy, so it is important to consider every aspect when trying to create the correct working space. Here is a guide on what you need for a healthier working environment. 

Keep Your Employees Hydrated 

It is important that your staff remain hydrated throughout the day, as it will help to boost their productivity by keeping them feel refreshed and awake. While most people assume that to stay hydrated you just have to drink any type of fluid, it is much more beneficial to your mind and body if you drink water as opposed to fizzy drinks or caffeine. While members of staff may live off coffee every day of the week, this can actually make them start to suffer from dehydration. Therefore, you should consider providing a water fountain or dispenser in your working environment so that your staff always have fresh, cold water to hand. 

Create a Comfortable Space 

As we spend so much time at work, it is important that the space we occupy every day is comfortable. This means having the correct type of office chairs that offer back support. Otherwise, you may find that your staff start to suffer from pain as a consequence of sitting uncomfortably for long periods of time. This could contribute to an overall lack of productivity if your staff go on to need time off due to their injury. 

Ensure You Have Air Ventilation 

While having the correct air ventilation is often overlooked by employers, it is essential that your staff are provided with fresh and clean air. Not only can having dirty air in the workplace cause a loss of concentration, it can also cause your staff to suffer from reactions such as irritated eyes and sinus problems. Therefore, you should look at the industrial ventilation that companies like Integrated Air Systems have to offer. 

Keep it Clean 

It is important that all the surfaces in any working environment are kept clean and tidy and are regularly cleaned. If you struggle to find time to do this as an employer, then you should consider hiring a professional cleaner

It is essential that you don’t overlook the importance of a healthier working environment. Whether you are an employer or an employee, you should do what you can to provide a better space to work in.

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