A Simple Survival Guide to Working Remotely

A Simple Survival Guide to Working Remotely 9 Remote Networking Tips for the New Normal Remote Worker Working remotely Millennials workplace Enjoyable Workplace- Negosentro
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Negosentro.com | A Simple Survival Guide to Working Remotely | One of the fascinating offshoots of the tragic Covid-19 pandemic is that many people who worked primarily in offices found themselves working from home. It’s worth taking a moment to marvel at the fact that as unfortunate as the circumstances were, many businesses wouldn’t have been able to pull this off ten, or even five, years ago. Improvements in technology and internet access have changed the work world, and in some ways, it will never go back to the way it was before.

For some, working from home has become a welcome change from the rat race of traffic, office politics and dress codes. Others have struggled with the isolation and have grown mentally and physically unhealthy in the adjustment. Whether you love the remote work life and want to get more out of it, or if you’re just trying to make it through your new normal, these tips should help!

Avoid Using Personal or Family Space

For practical and personal reasons, it’s best to set up a remote work area in a part of your living space that you and your family don’t spend a lot of time in. If you have the luxury of space, a room or basement is great. If not, carve out a corner of your apartment. The goal is to create a professional-looking space and not associate an important part of your home with work. Think about this, you don’t want to be on a Zoom call trying to hire sales candidates from your bed or with your bathroom in view. You also don’t want to plop down on your favorite couch only to have the stresses of the day follow you.

Make Your Work Area Your Own

Just as you might personalize your desk, cubicle, or office with family photos, awards, or memorabilia from hobbies, you should customize your remote workspace! You may not have as much room as you would at work but think of it this way: there’s much less chance of anything you put up being lost or stolen! It’s also important to be mindful of environmental factors. Being near a window that allows natural light in will not only mitigate eye strain, but it may also brighten your mood. Don’t underestimate the importance of smells, either. Scented candles, reed diffusers and even fresh flowers have been shown to promote calm and productivity while reducing stress.

Take Breaks

People who are a bit more naturally obsessive and tend to be workaholics may love the remote work arrangement, as it gives them more time in their day. The lack of pressure to get dressed, get out the door, and get to work gives them back an hour or more a day! Obsessive behavior is rarely a good thing, however, and being addicted to work is unhealthy. While the extra time in the work day and flexible schedule certainly provides some opportunities, make sure you are carving out both personal and family time.

It’s also important to stay active. Standing desks are helpful for some, while a trip to the gym (if safe) may take the place of a traditional lunch break for others. Either way, resist the urge to stay sedentary. It’s not good for your heart, your weight, your muscles, or your mood.

Understand and Recognize Temptations

You probably didn’t have a fully stocked fridge or pantry a few steps away from you at your office. Now you probably do. You may find yourself mindlessly snacking and not realizing how much the empty calories of salty and sugary snacks are adding up. Worse, if you enjoy your beer, wine, or liquor, you may break your old rules about when and where you could have a drink. Understand this is a very slippery slope and has become another pandemic in and of itself. Maintain your boundaries with alcohol and use a meal-tracking app to hold yourself accountable for the food you’re eating.

Working from home has been a major change for many of us. Change is often what you make of it. Use these tips to stay healthy and productive, and you may find yourself thriving in unexpected ways!

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