AI’s Top Predictions to Watch out in 2019

AI artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence including machine and deep learning was one of the most discussed topics of the year 2018, and the hype won’t die down over the next 12 months.

However, in the long run, it will be considered as just another technology in our daily lives like electricity, diesel engines, internet, mobile phones, etc.

In the upcoming years, new technologies will evolve and change the way we live and run businesses today. AI promises to bring changes and provide value to our lives beyond our imagination.

The upcoming AI-based devices and robots will do most of the complex tasks like analyzing, predicting, making correct decisions, planning and also the manual tasks of human beings.

However, some are still convinced that the use of AI will lead to social unrest and unemployment on a large scale.

Here are the top AI predictions to watch out in the year 2019:


  • AI will become a subject of national and international politics


Last year, most of the top countries in the world put up their fences to protect their national interests.

For example, USA increased their tariffs and restricted export of goods and service which was used to create AI. To tackle this, China stepped up its efforts to become more self-reliant in the field of AI research and development.

Huawei which is a Chinese technology manufacturing company started developing its own AI processing chips so that they do not have to depend on the USA manufacturers such as Nvidia, Intel, and others.

Recently, Google was criticized for collaborating with Chinese tech organizations while they didn’t agree to work with the US government due to security concerns.

AI could be adopted by authorized regimes to restrict freedom of speech or expression.

  1. Moving towards Transparent AI

While dealing with human data, AI faces several issues especially the “black box problem” because most of us don’t know how it works and consider it as unfathomable.

To achieve the full potential of AI we need to understand what this technology is doing with our data and how it makes decisions which affect our everyday lives.

Sometimes it is difficult to know how artificial intelligence draws connections and make decisions which may not be visible and seem counter-intuitive to us.

To build trust in the AI system, we need to do more than just reassuring the people. Large scale enterprises and businesses will also benefit from the openness of technology.

Most of the companies are holding back from using AI due to fears that the current technology will be judged and considered unethical.

In 2019, we would see new measures developed to increase the transparency of AI. Last year IBM designed new technology to smoothen the decision-making process in its AI OpenScale technology.

It will give real-time stats into how the decisions are made, what data are used, decision potential and others.

In 2018, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), was implemented all across Europe to protect their decisions which might affect their lives made by machines.

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Automation are being used in every business

Last year, organizations started analyzing the potential and limitations of AI. After spending a lot of time on research and identifying areas where artificial intelligence can benefit them, businesses are ready to use proven methods for global deployment.

In the financial sector, every day millions of transactions are parsed by AI algorithms. Retailers are using AI technology to use their pool of data to sell things better.

Manufacturers, use the  AI predictive technology to know how much stress a machine can handle and when will it break apart.

In 2019, we will see an increase in the confidence on the predictive technology which will help in across all the sectors of industries.

AI will be used to optimize supply chains, managing legal and compliance issues, decisions around logistics and hiring, and many more.

We will also see an increase in the use of big data by big organizations for generating multiple revenue streams. For example, the use of analytics based on agricultural data will help farmers to grow crops efficiently.

In 2019, more businesses will adopt these strategies once they understand the value of the data they own.

  1. AI will create new jobs

Though it is believed that AI will lead to the rise of unemployment however according to the Gartner report, by the end of 2020 AI will create more jobs than it is eliminating today.

Due to automation, it is estimated that more than 1.7 million jobs will be lost but the manufacturing industry will see a rise of 2.3 million jobs.

Some of the jobs like cashiers and warehouse workers are completed replaced by AI. But in other professions like doctors, lawyers, etc. AI will work alongside humans to assist them in manual tasks.

Organizations will benefit from the rise of human jobs, where individulas and tech professionals must get acquainted with knowledgeable insights about the technology by taking up an artificial intelligence certification course, enhancing their skills for work.

  1. Increase in use of AI assistants

AI has become a part of our everyday lives, and since the last few years, we have seen significant growth in the number of AI assistants.

AI assistants like Siri, Google Home, Alexa has made our lives easier by providing us with the exact information we need.

In 2019, the use of artificial intelligence will increase in several services including ordering food, booking tickets, calendars, choosing hotels and many more. These services will become better once they learn to interpret our behavior pattern more precisely.

Data gathered from users would be studied by developers to provide more value to consumers. The AI assistants will become more efficient to encode computer-readable data for making communication better.  

Final Thoughts

In 2019, AI will finally become out of the hype cycle and will be used in almost every sector of industries. The understanding of the technology will change among the consumers however security and privacy would remain some of the challenges which need to be addressed by enterprises.

AI will not only be useful for commercial purposes, but it would be accepted worldwide and change the way we live today.

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