An insight into New York Local Law 26


Joanna Marie, Negosentro |  Local Law 26 of 2004, or we usually know it as LL26 for short, is a prevalent rule when you plan to own an office building in NYC that is 100 feet or higher.

For your next project, you might be talking about this with the contractors because it is very important to consider the law applies in NYC.

The local law 26 upholds the fire safety recommendations for the existing office structures throughout NYC, as well as the future projects. The most significant requirement from the LL26 is the installation of sprinkler system within 15 years of the law’s enactment. All the proprietaries in New York City will have enough time to install theirs until July 1, 2019. For the existing building in NYC, it is important to consider conducting the sprinkler installation before the deadline hits.

With the hustle and bustle of the city, it is normal to see the old and new high-rise structures. New York City has been long known for its strictest fire codes in the country. As we know, many buildings in New York have been implementing what LL26 covers. However, many older buildings do not.

Back in 2004, LL26 was enacted as the reactions of the dreadful attacks of 9/11. The assessment clearly showed that the buildings do not provide proper protection for the occupants in the high-rise structures in New York. Learning from this mistake, the government strictly encourage all the proprietaries in New York to comply LL26 law.

The requirements for the buildings range from the elevator vestibules to the exit signage. Most of the buildings have compiled the minor requirements and apply them in their building. However, not so many buildings have installed the sprinkler systems. It is because the sprinkler systems cause the most expensive for all the properieterais. The local law 26 final deadline will be next year. So, if you have an old building that is 100 feet tall or more, you’d want to consider complying the local law 26 as you can.

There is a sensible reason why the local law 26 topic has raised recently. It is even trending in all over New York City. We know that the deadline is still one year away. However, the buildings that haven’t made the upgrade are required to deliver the interim report by July 1st, 2018. This report should be the good message that signifies the owner of the building who plans the sprinkler installation. If your building is not compliance with local law 26 yet, you will need to make a plan and send your report to the city before July 1st.

In the highlight, you should know that your building is affected if:

  • It is at least 100 feet tall, or more
  • Your building has the offices or used for business occupancy
  • There is no sprinkler system inside

If your building already has a sprinkler system, you should also make sure that the current system complies the local law 26 requirements.

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