Benefits of using a Cloud Surveillance System and storage

Benefits of using a Cloud Surveillance System and storage Cloud Security Tips
Source: | Benefits of using a Cloud Surveillance System and storage | Most companies have adopted the use of cloud services for storing data online. Some years back, companies used to store their data and files in house servers. But nowadays, cloud servers are becoming prominent as they give you unlimited storage.

A cloud surveillance system is accessible at any time regardless of the distance. You don’t have to worry about data loss or the cost, it is affordable, and you can scale it to your preferred taste. There are various reasons why someone can recommend them.


  • Easy usage and access from any device


Cloud surveillance system offers easy access from most tablets, smartphones, and computers. All you need is the right credential, and you are good to go. Cloud-based data storage is accessible and easily shareable with colleagues or clients in a safe manner.


  • Safer Storage


Using a cloud surveillance system gives a business owner assurance of data safety. For instance, if your NVR malfunctions, breaks or gets stolen, you lose your data. However, with cloud storage, you retain data for the period within your package.    


  • Cost-effective


Hard disks and traditional NVR are more expensive than cloud-based solutions. In cloud solutions, there are no other charges along the way, only the monthly service fee.


  • Disaster recovery


In case of disaster, a company may lose all its hardware and files. These emergency occurrences can cause huge losses, and need to have a backup plan that stores your data in a cloud-based system.


  • Scalability


 The cloud-based recording is easier to scale than NVR based storage. Also, you can expand to various sites without extra costs. If you want to have additional CCTV cameras or get the recent ones, all you need is to plan an upgrade but not buying more hard drives or NVR.


  • Easier problem detection


In a cloud surveillance system, if either a camera develops faults, you get alerts. However, in the traditional NVR, the same is tedious and requires extra structure.


  • Fair Internet Security


People believe that cloud surveillance systems are less secure than NVR. However, if you want access to your NVR with port forwarding, it’s not safe. Port forwarding has a chance of attracting hackers to your surveillance system.


  • Convenience


You get great peace of mind when you use cloud surveillance systems and data storage. For flash disks and hard drives, you have to handle them manually and with care. However, data stored in a cloud system gets back up online. All the data transmitted is saved automatically; therefore, you won’t keep it or label it. So, you can concentrate on your work without any data related to stress.


Cloud surveillance systems and storage are ideal for all types of businesses. The good news is that it’s relatively cheap to maintain. It is also convenient, requires little management and supervision; thus, you get time for other stuff.

It is good to embrace technology. Cloud-based storage is the way forward if you want the best internet security and a solution to operate remotely. Everyone needs peace of mind when emergencies happen and threaten your data. Therefore, adopt a cloud surveillance system and data storage.

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