The Bloggers Quick Guide to SEO

Organic SEO services Bloggers Quick Guide to seo tactics 2018 - Negosentro

One of the most common misconceptions that bloggers have is that the fastest way to increase traffic is by linking platforms to their social media accounts. They learn very quickly that search engine optimization (SEO) is what helps searchers find what product, service or information they need. For businesses, it’s also a lucrative way to boost subscribers, website traffic and sales. Here is a quick guide to SEO for bloggers, which is what San Jose SEO recommends to its clients who need SEO help.

Write Article Headings for Users and Search Engines

You must remember that your creativity must go hand-in-hand with SEO. Otherwise, you’ll miss a great opportunity to rank highly because you failed to optimize your articles or website pages with SEO. You also want to ensure that people can find your information in search engines and is entertaining or informative enough to want to share with others on their social media sites. It starts with a well-written heading. 

It’s not an easy thing to achieve. Google must see it as valuable to rank it highly on a search engine, and your followers must enjoy what they read to attract attention to it.

Create Quality Posts

Don’t create content without a purpose. Make every word count by promoting quality posts. Your followers will not only see you as an industry insider, but they will trust your advice because of what you choose to blog about. Search engines also elevate quality content, so you want to ensure everything will pass Google’s indexing practices. As Google also sees your traffic interest and how often your information is liked and shared, it’s important for your search engine ranking to create linkable and shareable content. 

Practice Link Building

While content quality and SEO are essential, bloggers need a link building strategy as well to create links that add a level of credibility to your site. You can do this by building relationships with others in your niche or using your knowledge to write guest posts that will work to drive traffic back to your blog because of the interest in your knowledge or expertise. It’s also an expert way to introduce yourself to other relatable businesses.

Do Your Keyword Homework

To target the right audience, you need the right keywords, so it’s essential to do your SEO homework before you start writing as it will be most helpful in driving traffic to your blog. Target niche keywords. Go for unique rather than the popular keywords because bloggers are already ranking with them. Ensure they are in demand or it will be useless. 

Watch for Google Algorithm Updates

Once you have an SEO strategy in place, you will want to watch for Google algorithm updates. They make at least one change a day to elevate user experience, so don’t drive yourself SEO crazy as you can watch for major updates before you update your content.

If you find that your blog is not attracting traffic or subscribers or your content is unable to rank, hire an SEO company to get your blog off the ground. It will be well-worth your blogging career.

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