Boost Your Sales with These 4 Hottest Facebook Features


Do you want to learn how to take advantage of the latest Facebook trends?

Businesses today have realized the importance of having an online presence.

Why not? People use internet almost always to search for anything.

May it be the best foods to taste, new resorts to enjoy, and fun places to visit.

Talking about social media, Facebook is one of the most popular ways to promote your business.

With almost 1 Billion users, you will surely love to know how to improve your Facebook Marketing for 2015.

Keeping your business updated on the top Facebook developments can help you get bigger results.

So here are the four Facebook features that you can use to skyrocket your Facebook marketing strategy:

1. Interest targeting

Reaching your “real” fans is maybe the number one goal of Facebook Page managers. You can do this by sharing tips, ideas, and contents for your target market. It is safe to say that having a Page with great contents can build audience’s trust. But, most of the time, it is difficult to find your target market on the web. Here’s the good news.  Interest targeting can improve your connection with your customers. With this new feature, you will find it easier to reach the right people.

2. Power Editor

Say goodbye to traditional Facebook Ads.

By using the Facebook’s Power Editor, you can now create multi-product ads or carousel ads. The new feature allows you to rotate several products in one Ad. All products can use the same text or social share buttons. It permits you to test images that give higher conversion and connection to your target audience.

3. Post Featured Videos

In its effort to keep upbeat with YouTube, Facebook is encouraging pages to upload videos. It will allow you to have featured video which will be shown prominently when your fans visit you video tabs.

Anybody can do it because you can simply click Videos in the tab and upload your videos.

4. Remarketing Audiences

You might be familiar with Custom Audiences. But, Facebook launched a more advanced feature where you can “remarket audience” and make the most out of it.

Also, you can create promotions to attract visitors who viewed your page but didn’t buy. You can also take advantage of this by giving visitors more information that may help to increase your conversion.

You can test these newly available Facebook features and see how these can help your business.
So, how are you planning to use these new tools? Share your thoughts or send us your questions on the comment below.

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