Boosting your Business Online in 2018

Online Business

Gemini Harrison, Negosentro |  So, you’ve been running your own business for a little while now and it’s going well. You’ve taken on some staff, and you have your offices set up. Revenues are ticking over, but you’d like to increase them going forward. What do you need to do? How do you reach more customers? How do you make more sales? Here are some ways to help build your business through the web and social media.

Are you standing out online?

How’s your website looking? If you haven’t got one, then why not? Your company will be a bit of loner if it lacks a strong online presence. Most businesses have their own website these days, with flashy images and videos – reaching out to their clients wherever they may be in the world.

And it’s just that, reaching out to the world. Having your company online opens-up a whole new world of customers – and it could help your business grow in 2018. If you already have a website, take a long, hard look at it – ask yourself does it really tell our company story? Does it really reach our clients in the most relevant and compelling way possible? Maybe it’s time for a bit of makeover.

Start online trading

When planning your company website, you should be thinking about including e-retail functions – if they’re relevant to your business. If you sell mail order products, then this kind of platform can be perfect – and can help boost your revenues. You need to think about how you’re going to list and show your products on your website. And then, research the best kind of payment and ordering technologies you can use to make it happen.

Online trading is huge around the world, and many more people are now opting to shop from the comfort of their home than hitting the shop mall. So, this could be your chance to make a bigger splash in your market! With your business growing through this, you may need to think about expanding and improving your infrastructure to process your goods. Think about hiring in experts like CSS, an Oracle consulting company, to help you manage your technology needs.

Shout from social media!

Your online marketing and advertising shouldn’t just stop at your website. If you’re not already, you need to get your business all over social media – the main platforms of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the like.

The advice is to go personal with your strategy, targeting your potential clients with content and messages that are interesting to them and draw them in to want to know more.

Once you have your accounts running, and you’re building your followers, you shouldn’t just sit back. Social media is a content-hungry phenomenon which has a continuing appetite. So, your company should be posting material on a regular basis – to maintain interest, and to keep your company name out there.

In terms of content, think about blogging and developing some short video clips or animations – that says something about your company and its products. You could even try out some live broadcasts, for example, a Facebook Live. Could be interesting if you have an interesting work backdrop and something interesting to say!

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