Business Boosters – 4 Tips to Increasing Productivity in the Office

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Obviously you want your staff to be productive. Higher productivity means increased returns and better results. As a rule, happier, more organised staff, will work more efficiently. Identifying areas that can be optimized is often difficult when you’ve never had an alternative presented to you, so we’ve compiled a short list of ways to increase office productivity:

Streamlining communication.

You may be surprised to learn that one of the biggest time wasters your company deals with on a daily basis is the transfer of information. Utilising a hosted pbx can greatly improve the efficiency of communication between staff, especially if you have employees who work remotely. Essentially, this kind of service integrates your telecommunications with your online capabilities, therefore opening up new possibilities for communicating and collaborating.

Utilising the cloud.

Another simple way to improve collaboration and manage workflow effectively is to implement cloud based computing. Storing everything in the cloud keeps all your staff across the latest changes in a file and allows them to work alongside each other without having to merge everyone’s versions and do an additional edit for clarity. It also makes file sharing easier because you can send a link instead of an entire document, therefore reducing strain on your network and resources and allowing you to rescind possession and editing capacities immediately if you ever feel the need. Possibly the greatest benefit of cloud based computing, however, is the way in which it improves security as all online based systems manage their own encryption. Not only is this great for the protection of sensitive data but it also frees up employees who would have otherwise had to spend their time acting as guardians of your system and information.

Having a healthy environment.

While upgrading equipment and software may be the most obvious way to improve productivity, there are also smaller changes that can be made to your office environment to increase efficiency and morale. One of the easiest ways to do this is to include greenery as part of your office set up. Plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and cleaner air means clearer thinking. However, the benefits go far beyond better air quality. Research has shown that we’re wired to prefer green environments, so it turns out that office plants equal happier employees. Since we also know that happier employees produce better quality output, it makes sense to make small alterations for the greater good, just be sure not to include plants to which any of your employees may be allergic.

Implementing a wellness program.

By the same token, employees who feel looked after by their employer, and positiv within themselves, will perform at far higher standards than those who are treated like they’re just a number.

Providing benefits such as reduced cost gym memberships, employee health cover or in-house yoga, or regular visits from a mobile physiotherapist or masseuse to treat various niggles, can greatly improve morale. Even something as simple as having office dogs or free fruit in the kitchen can really make your employees feel valued. It may require a little more outlay up front but the boost your productivity with receive should cover any additional costs.

Efficiency and productivity are key in ensuring the successful running of any business. It stands to reason, therefore, that any way in which these factors can be improved should be seriously considered. While this list is far from exhaustive, it offers a good place to start on both the technical, and personal sides of managing your company. Implementing these suggestions can lead to further advancements, which will continue to build your return on investment and staff satisfaction.

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