Can CBD Help Improve Pet Grooming?

Can CBD Help Improve Pet Grooming? dog

Can CBD Help Improve Pet Grooming? | A visit to the pet groomer is always inviting. The lush fur, the clean paws, and the fantastic smell of your pet after each session is pure bliss. But not so much the anxiety that comes with it. Pet owners worry about the pet’s compatibility with the groomer. For the pets, it’s a different ball game altogether. The sound, smell, equipment, and new environment can be scary, making them aggressive and challenging.

Pet owners and groomers turn to CBD – a natural component of the Cannabis plant, for help. A popular misconception is that CBD can give a ‘high’, but it’s time to bust that myth. CBD does not have THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is a different cannabinoid that is responsible for creating that ‘high’. 

But how can CBD help improve pet grooming? Read on to know-how.

CBD for a Peaceful Grooming Experience 

Pet owners often seek solutions that keep the pets calm during the grooming session. A fun and relaxing grooming session will keep the pets happy, calm and prime them for the next visit. Some methods to calm pets include playing soothing music, giving them treats, or letting them explore the salon. Dog toys are a good option for puppies if it’s their first visit. Another method that’s quickly catching up is the use of CBD. 

Research indicates that CBD has a calming effect on pets as well. Ask any groomer, and they’ll agree that a calm pet is a godsend. CBD can relax an anxious or aggressive pet. Having a calm pet makes it easier for the groomer to get closer to the pet for meticulous cleaning and spoil the pet with an indulgent spa session. Unlike a synthetic drug, CBD is a natural product. It has no side effects and is a go-to choice for pet parents keen on providing an exceptional grooming session. 

CBD for Treating Skin Infections

It’s not unusual for pets to have itches and rashes on their skin or dry and flaky paws. Pets, especially dogs, are outdoor bound and can be boisterous. While their antics make for adorable social media updates, having their fur and skin cleaned is another ordeal altogether. Hidden cysts, tumors, or injuries can be a nightmare for a groomer. But expecting our furry friends to stay calm and grit through the cleaning is also inhumane and quite impossible. Luckily for situations like these, too, CBD comes in handy. CBD may support healing cysts, allergies, hot spots, etc. A dab of CBD oil on the skin can soothe the skin and put the pet at ease.   

What to Look for in CBD Pet Products?

There are several CBD-related pet products in the market. How do you choose the right one?

  • Cheaper does not mean better – High-quality CBD products can be costlier than cheap adulterated products. Products available at a lower cost might be contaminated with pesticides or toxins, which can harm pets. 
  • Go organic – Purchase CBD oil that is organic and avoid products with solvents, fungicides, or pesticides. 
  • Look for CBD liquids – While CBD treats have no harm, it is better to administer CBD as a liquid, as an oil, or tincture. This will allow you to control the dosage through drops.
  • Seek analysis – Read the certificate that shows the amount of CBD in the product. Make sure the product has only a little THC or is free of THC.

CBD Products and How to Use Them

Pets can consume CBD as a treat or chew. Alternatively, CBD can also be applied to their skin through oils or tinctures. In general, it is recommended that dogs be given one chew for every 10 pounds of body weight or three drops for pets weighing less than 15 pounds. While your veterinarian is the best person to help you with the dosage, research indicates that dogs should be able to tolerate a gradual increase in CBD dosage. 

While CBD provides relief for owners and groomers at the salon, it’s also proven to have therapeutic effects on pets. Overall, CBD can act as an effective pain killer, an inflammatory agent, reduces anxiety, and helps in developing healthy skin and coat. This is not just hearsay but backed with evidence.

The Bottom Line

CBD has the potential to change the grooming experience for both the pet and the groomer. It allows them to bond well, enjoy their time together, and encourages them to look forward to the next visit. With CBD gone are those nail-biting days when you had to drag your pet through the salon’s door or plead with a scared groomer to tend to your aggressive dog. Add CBD to your life and your pet’s life and gear up for a wonderful experience ahead. Research indicates that CBD tincture to help you sleep reduces the frequency of seizures, relieves pain and enhances mobility, and helps alleviate aggressive behavior in dogs owners.

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