5 Cyberthreat Preventions Small Businesses Should Take

Business Content Writing-Negosentro

Negosentro|The digital age has brought a lot of efficiency and potential for companies, as the use of technology has streamlined communication with customers, improved production processes, and given the global economy and trade a boost. With the advancements that have come, there have also been concerns about the security of online transactions or cloud-based storage solutions. Not only is a company interested in protecting their trade secrets, their financials, and their corner of the market, they now have to worry about the privacy of their customers and the risks of exposure associated with cyber-crime. In an age where you can find and buy almost anything online, consumers are worried that their transactions are secure. For companies, this means investing in strong cyber-security measures.

As a small business owner, you may not be totally familiar with the threats and responses demanded by cyber-crime and attacks. You may be questioning “what is SSL protection?” or “how do I build a firewall?” in an attempt to get your transactions and business secure. If you want the best options for your company, you should consult with an IT company that specializes in defenses against the dark world of the Internet. However, there are some measures you can take on your own to help protect the customer experience and your small business operations.

  1. Antivirus Software

A basic component of any cyber-security protocol is a strong, reliable antivirus software program. This is installed on each computer system in use by your company and is one of the final opportunities to defend against hackers and attacks that manage to get through your other areas of security. You should also purchase anti-malware software. These programs work to detect and remove malware, viruses, spyware, and adware by scanning through internet usage, emails, and downloads, flagging and filtering out potential risks.

  1. Complex Passwords

Just about every computer system or Web-based application requires users for an access key, and it can be a mix of passwords or security questions. As the tools the hackers use to steal information are becoming more advanced and efficient, it becomes necessary to create more complex and randomized passwords that are difficult to crack. If you really want to throw off the hackers, consider using a translation tool and converting them into another language. This will make them less susceptible to social engineering and harder to decipher. You should also be sure to change your passwords every 60 to 90 days to keep a strong line of defense against potential hacks.

  1. Firewall Protection

To protect your network traffic, whether inbound or outbound, use a firewall. It blocks certain websites from being accessed through a company computer. It can also be programmed to restrict the ability of company computers to send out any confidential emails or proprietary data. This one a strong way to protect your company’s network.

  1. Encryption Software

Most businesses have data that deals with bank accounts and credit card information, while others have access to personal information such as social security numbers. Having an encryption program to scramble the data can help protect it from hackers or cyber-attack. This program will alter the information stored on a computer into strings of unreadable codes. An SSL program also does this for website traffic and interaction.  

  1. Filter Emails

If you see a suspicious email come through your inbox, it is best to ignore it. Delete it without it being read, as these are often viruses and hacking attacks. Even if it is from a known sender, it could contain downloadable attachments or links that are designed to filter through the safety features of your company network. Phishing emails often appear to be normal, trustworthy communiqués, but through these hackers are able to retrieve your private data, including banking information or credit card accounts. Your company’s future will probably include an increased dependence on technology and software for operations, so it is important to get ahead of the cybersecurity threats. These areas will only continue to grow as hackers develop new technology right along with the rest of the world. 



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