Diagnosis and Treatment Methods for Ovarian Cysts

Diagnosis and Treatment Methods for Ovarian Cysts

Diagnosis and Treatment Methods for Ovarian Cysts | The female reproductive system consists of various organs such as the ovaries. Ovaries are located in your lower abdomen on both sides of the fallopian tube. Many women may develop fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries, known as ovarian cysts, at some point in life. In most cases, ovarian cysts are harmless and disappear after a few months. However, if you experience severe symptoms such as pelvic pain, Dr. Ulas Bozdogan can diagnose and offer treatment based on your condition.

Types of ovarian cysts

Functional ovarian cysts develop in women who undergo regular menstrual periods. These cysts are normal and do not require treatment. Examples of functional cysts include:

  •         Follicular cysts. This is the most common type of cyst that occurs during ovulation. A follicular cyst may form when a follicle grows more prominent than usual and fails to release the egg. These cysts may clear after several days or months without treatment.
  •         Corpus luteum cysts. After releasing an egg, follicle sacs dissolve. However, fluid may form inside a sac that does not dissolve. Accumulation of liquid inside the sac causes the formation of a corpus luteum cyst. You may not experience any symptoms when you have this type of cyst.

There are other types of cysts, including:


This type of cyst may occur as a result of endometriosis. Endometriosis is a medical condition where cells grow outside your uterus and on your ovaries. Endometrial tissue causes bleeding and the formation of blood-filled cysts with brown contents known as endometrioma or chocolate cyst.

Tubo-ovarian abscesses

Infections in your pelvic organs, including the ovaries, may cause the formation of pus-filled cysts around the ovary or the fallopian tubes.

Dermoid cysts

Abnormal development of tissues in the ovary sacs may form different body tissues such as fat and hair.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is characterized by multiple small cysts in the ovary that may enlarge the ovaries. This is the most common cause of infertility in women.

Diagnosis for ovarian cysts

Your doctor may notice ovarian cysts during a bimanual pelvic examination. Imaging tests such as an ultrasound produce images of structures within your body for evaluation. During a transvaginal ultrasound, your specialist will insert a narrow device inside your vagina to detect cysts.

Other tests your doctor may use include:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic fields are used to produce clear images of organs in your body.
  • CT scan. This test involves a combination of x-rays which enable your specialist to view internal organs from different dimensions.
  • Your doctor may conduct a pregnancy test to check for a corpus luteum cyst.

Treatment for ovarian cysts


This is a surgical procedure where your doctor makes a small incision on your abdomen near your navel and cuts out the ovarian cyst.


Your doctor may prescribe oral contraceptives to stop ovulation and prevent ovarian cysts from recurring. Birth control pills, however, do not eliminate existing cysts.

Lack of treatment of ovarian cysts may result in infertility. A regular gynecologic examination may help your specialist detect ovarian cysts early. Book an appointment with your doctor at Advanced Endometriosis Center: Ulas Bozdogan, MD, for diagnosis and treatment for ovarian cysts.

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