Do You Need Air Purifiers in Homes With Pets?

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Do You Need Air Purifiers in Homes With Pets? | While your family dogs, cats, and birds bring you a lot of joy, they can also trigger allergies. This is particularly true of birds, whose dander and feathers can fill your room. Also, many dogs and cats can trigger allergies, and because of this, if you’re looking for a cure to pet allergies so you can breathe easier, look no further. You can find best air purifiers for pets online, which will even help with pet odours.

How Does It Help, Though? 

People who are allergic to a particular animal will usually avoid having the animal as a companion. You must, however, keep in mind that other people will be visiting your house. Since approximately 10% of the world’s population has an animal allergy, there is a fair risk that people who may suffer an allergic reaction may come into contact with your pet’s dander.

Aside from their dander, animals prefer to spend a lot of time outdoors, and they may carry other allergens into your homes, such as dust or pollen, raising the likelihood of an allergic reaction. Even if these particles may show no impact on you when you inhale them, they can still harm your health if you are exposed to them over time.

Asthma affects one out of every twelve people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Asthmatic people have inflamed bronchial tubes. Pollutants such as pet dander, pollen, and dust mites irritate their airways, making breathing difficult. Throughout the year, several dogs and cat breeds shed. When these animals scratch themselves, they scatter a lot of hair and dander, which keeps them circulating in the air. And if you don’t have dogs, other asthma triggers such as pollen and dust mites still exist.

Most home air purifiers include HEPA filters to catch all of these contaminants and enable you to breathe clean air. HEPA filters are multi-layered meshes made of fine fibreglass threads as thin as hair strands. Pollen, dust mites, and pet dander suspended in the air in the home atmosphere are caught in these meshes, allowing you to breathe clean air.

Some air purifiers have replaceable pre-filters for trapping larger particles, allowing the HEPA filters to capture smaller pathogens. This device extends the life of your air purifier. An effective air purifier keeps the indoor air clear of contaminants, lowering the chances of asthma-related breathing difficulties.

How to Deal With It

The inclusion of an indoor air purifier neatly solves the issue presented by pets. This system can collect the particles that can cause health problems, such as pet dander, pollen, and dust, and improve the air quality in your home. Studies have repeatedly shown that having an air purifier in the house allows you to breathe in fresh air without worrying about the potential irritants and toxic substances that can be contained in a typical household, with or without a pet.

An indoor air purifier works in a house with animals on two levels. Firstly, it eliminates harmful substances such as dander that can affect certain people and trigger allergic reactions. Secondly, it deals with unpleasant odours that can be expected in a home with pets.

The good news is that air purifiers for pets are safe to use. Not only that, but people stand to benefit from improved health. Any living being cannot benefit from inhaling toxic airborne particles, which can be the allergens and chemicals commonly found in the home.

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