Does Your Medical Condition Quality for a Long-Term Disability Claim?

Long-Term Disability Claim

Negosentro | Does Your Medical Condition Quality for a Long-Term Disability Claim? | Have you filed a disability claims process and have received a denial? If so, a disability attorney can provide legal consultation to help determine whether you have a case against your insurance company or not.

Do You Qualify for a Disability Insurance Claim?

Long-term disability insurance is not only for those who have been injured in an accident and cannot work because of an injury. There are also many medical conditions that may entitle you to get disability payments from your insurance provider. These include neurological disorders, chronic illnesses, and some degenerative diseases. Conditions that qualify for LTD include cancer, bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDs, Crohn’s disease, degenerative disc disease, lupus, and others. 

Keep in mind that the job of your insurance company is to prove that you don’t qualify for long-term disability benefits under your policy’s terms. They will ask for all details of your condition, including medical records, laboratory tests, and other documentation. In fact, they may misclassify your illness to deny your long-term disability claim. The list of medical conditions that qualify for an LTD claim varies by policy. Before you file a claim, you must understand how your insurance provider defines a disability. While it may seem like insurance companies are working against you, certain companies like Breeze insurance pride themselves on transparency and strive to get you the perfect plan to fit your needs.

Some illnesses and injuries may not be covered by some long-term disability insurance policies. Review your policy to see if your injury or illness is not included. Pre-existing conditions are usually excluded in a lot of policies. In general, you will not get paid for long-term disabilities that take place due to pre-existing conditions for your first 12 months of coverage. Also, some policies don’t include specific diseases or workplace injuries that are caused by accidents.  

Should You Hire a Long-Term Disability Attorney?

Making insurance companies pay out requires serious amounts of time and effort. It is easy for you to lose your appeal because of a technical error or not having the right information. An experienced long-term disability lawyer will give you legal advice and handle your claim, making the process easier for you.

Insurance companies try to limit their losses by denying claims. To improve your chances of getting the benefits you deserve from your long-term disability insurance provider, get professional legal help. A great attorney can help you prove your claim. They can help you collect and submit the kinds of evidence that may be required or litigate the matter on your behalf if the insurance company tries to deny your claim. 

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