Ellen at the Oscars: A Million+ Retweets

Ellen Degeneres' Selfie: Retweeted 1M+ Times

by Avtar Ram Singh | shared from Social Media Today |

Apart from having 26.1 million followers on Twitter, Ellen DeGeneres is known for being absolutely hilarious. Maybe it should be the other way around, but we’re social media marketers, and all we can think about sometimes is the community size.

When Ellen started hosting the Oscars, it was obvious that there would be many media bits and bites that we’d get to chomp and chew at. If you took the advice on “newsjacking the Oscars” given by Beta21 in January, you’d have been ready to take all of those little media bits and increase the reach of your Twitter account. It’s no secret that live-tweeting events, and taking part in active conversation on these events does well for your Twitter account in terms of reach and follower size.

But how do you get to 1 million retweets? Let me just put this out there – it’s out of reach for us mere mortals. Primarily because we aren’t movie stars.

When Ellen took “the most epic selfie of all time” as most people are reporting it, it went viral in literally minutes. Within an hour of being tweeted (or even less I think) the tweet has amassed a million retweets, and at the time of the writing of this article – is currently at 1.37 million retweets.

The Famous Selfie
The Famous Selfie
The Million Retweet Tweet
A selfie packed with the biggest stars out there, taken by Bradley Cooper, featuring the likes of Kevin Spacey, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Lawrence – I mean, what else did you expect?
Apart from ogling over this tweet and realizing that we will never ever manage to hit this mark without being asked to host the Oscars, the biggest message of this tweet honestly is… that groups work.
A number of influencers / specialists work.
And it just circles around to the simpler facts. The reason you and I come to Social Media Today is because we know that we’ll find the best content by the world’s leading social strategy thinkers on here. The reason why The Social Shake-Up in 2014 is going to be worth attending is because it brings together a number of people who are the leaders in their respective fields, and because it’s worth seeing all of them together.
From now on, in whatever you do – involve more people. Ask for more opinions. Instead of putting up an opinion piece voiced by just yourself, ask for input from 2-3 people who would know about it. Build connections. Network.
Ellen just took one of the most basic elements of branding, albeit on a massive stage, and amplified that to get the most retweeted tweet of all time. In a matter of an hour.
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