Filipino startup to hit the pitch road again with their Roadash app


by Jim Moriones, |

Filipino tech startup firm Bootstrap Ventures is at it again.

After a recently successful seed round for their Marketboost web and mobile e-commerce platform, it is in the final stages of its new app called ROADASH. It is set to hit the road again for its pitches locally and abroad.

Roadash App is a hologram-type app that makes your phone’s display reflect on your car’s windshield. It displays traffic and road info without the need to look away from the vehicle’s windshield.

During storms or fog, it displays a 3D view of the road ahead and warns you of any obstacles. It displays crowd-sourced data from news alerts, nearest gas stations, lowest pump prices and road obstacles.

The Roadash app can feature restaurants, hotels, repair shops, hospitals, places of interest and promotions ahead. It prompts alerts such as SMS and social network notifications which you can read in full later.

Watch the video here:

[embedplusvideo height=”400″ width=”600″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=U3El1yiJIl8&width=600&height=400&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8550″ /]

This app is being developed by Bootstrap Digital and Tech Ventures, Inc. from Taguig City, Philippines.



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