How To Find a Job in La-La Land

LA job - Negosentro

LA didn’t get its infamous nickname for no reason. The city, while one of the largest and most profitable in the U.S., is, well, kind of like a fairy tale. On any given day, you’re bound to see street performers acting out skits from ancient plays, musicians playing their renditions of old classics, and artists creating masterpieces right there on the sidewalks. You’ll also see shops that most will only see in movies, and people most can only see on television shows. Everything feels surreal in LA, which may be why so many people choose to live there. That said, while living in LA certainly has its ups, it also has its downs, especially if you’re not artistically inclined and are currently jobless.

If you’re not trying to work in the entertainment industry, you may be hard-pressed to find a respectable, well-paying job in the City of Angels. However, there are jobs out there, you just need to be creative in how you go about searching for them. Here are a few tips for how to find a job in Los Angeles:

Turn to Social Media

LA is one of the trendiest places in the world, so it makes sense that Angelinos would use social media in their job searches—and not just LinkedIn. In LA, companies value individuals who can market themselves, even if they’re not necessarily hiring for marketing positions. While you’re in the throes of your job hunt, play it up on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Make yourself likeable, brag about your connections (in a subtle way, of course), and don’t be afraid to showcase your experience. If you can convey your desirability without coming off as cheesy, you’re bound to snag the attention of an employer or two.

Don’t Be Afraid To Start at the Bottom

Forbes’ contributing writer, My Say’s, description of his experience peeling potatoes in a military mess hall sums up this point best: “Peeling potatoes was a small bit in the thousands of things that had to go right every day to keep 10,000 of us fed.” Every function is essential in the overall operations of a business, and if you do your job well—whether that job is peeling potatoes, sorting mail, or cleaning the bathrooms—someone will take notice. If there is a certain company for which you want to work but it doesn’t have openings in your field, apply for a position that is open. Many companies hire from within, and you may just be surprised by how quickly you move from potato peeler to head chef.

Network, Network, Network

In LA, it’s not necessarily about what you know, but rather who you know. Leverage your networks and call on old and new friends alike, family members, and past colleagues. You may be pleasantly surprised by who is willing to stick their necks out for you.

When job hunting in LA, you will be forced to use tactics you wouldn’t dream of using anywhere else, but that’s okay. LA is a culture in and of itself, and if you embrace it and use LA-style methods, the right employers will take notice.

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