Florida Laws that you must be Aware of if you have just recently been Seriously Injured

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Image: pexels.com

Negosentro.comAccidents come in all shapes and sizes, and so do the injuries that come with them. Whether you’ve been hurt in a car crash, been struck by a motorcycle or had a bad fall, there are a lot of ways for you to seek help. However, you also need to be aware of certain laws- these play a big part in the kind of treatment you’ll get and the compensation you could get if the accident wasn’t your fault. They can also go wrong for you if you aren’t fully in the know about them, too. But what are these laws, and what do you need to know about them? Don’t worry, we’re here with the basics you need to know about the laws you must be aware of if you’ve just been seriously injured in Florida. 

One of these is the law which determines how long you have to file a legal case if the injury wasn’t your fault. In Florida, you have four years after the injury to take proceedings to a court if you want to receive any compensation or criminal justice for the injury you’ve had. If you wait longer than these four years, it’s unlikely that you’ll even get listened to by a court and you won’t be able to seek any damages. This law can be bent a little if it turns out you didn’t actually know about the injury, but if your injury is serious and has just recently happened them you’ll need to get things sorted as soon as possible. 

There’s also a “Comparative Negligence” law in Florida. This is where you would file legal proceedings against a person or company you believe is responsible for your injury, but they counter you and claim you are, at least partly, responsible for the accident yourself. If this ends up being true, the compensation or medical fees you’ll be entitled to will be reduced. This reduction will be in accordance with the percentage of the accident you are believed to have been at fault for. So if a judge believes you are 20% responsible for your injury, 20% of your fees will be taken away or have to be supplied by yourself. Make sure you’re aware of how much money you could lose out on before you start any legal proceedings. 

There’s a law in Florida which states than unless you sustain a serious injury, you cannot claim another driver’s insurance money after a car crash no matter whos fault it was. However, if you have had a serious injury due to the crash and it wasn’t your fault, you probably will be eligible to legal action. These serious injuries are normally defined by their long lasting nature or the impact that they can have on your life, so make sure you read up on how courts have treated similar injuries to yours in the past. 

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