Freelance Writers: Collecting Payment for Your Work in an Expedient Fashion

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The average freelance writer has quite a bit on his or her plate. Working for a steady stream of clients and writing deliverables on a vast array of subject matter can be both challenging and professionally fulfilling. Since freelancers can seldom depend on regular paychecks, many of them want to receive payment for their work at their clients’ earliest possible convenience. However, people who are new to the freelance writing game are often unfamiliar with the most effective ways to collect compensation in a timely manner. Fledgling freelance writers looking for practical ways to get what they’re owned can benefit from the following pointers.

Work Out a Payment Arrangement Beforehand

It’s in the best interest of every freelance writer to work out payment arrangements with clients before starting work on assignments. This ensures that everyone’s on the same page and that there will be no misunderstandings after the fact. Before accepting a job, decide on whether you’re collecting a flat fee or an hourly rate and hammer out a mutually agreeable payment date. Requesting payment after submitting an assignment can put both you and your client in an awkward position, so it helps to have all pertinent payment details worked out ahead of time.

Don’t Be Shy about Submitting Invoices

Most freelance writers need to attract repeat business in order to carve out a comfortable living. As such, many fledgling writers will go out of their way to stay on their clients’ good side. This often entails not sending invoices until they’re formally requested, as writers are afraid that clients will grow annoyed if invoices are submitted immediately. However, in actuality, a client is liable to become more frustrated by an invoice taking too long than one coming in too quickly. It’s also important to give your invoices an air of professionalism, which entails using professional invoice templates. If you’re an up and coming freelance writer, create your invoices online at

Don’t Be Afraid to Draw a Line in the Sand

Some writers are so insistent on not making waves with new clients that they say nothing in response to habitually late payments. There are a number of reasons for which payments are processed late – invoices being detected as spam, banks errors, etc. However, if a client has consistently failed to submit payments by agreed upon dates, there’s no reason you should stand for this. This isn’t to say that you should instantly adopt a combative attitude toward such clients, but you have every right to voice your dissatisfaction in a polite and professional manner. If emails and/or phone calls relating to late payments are ignored, consider ceasing all work for the offending client until you receive a satisfactory explanation.

Freelance writing can be a difficult field through which to earn one’s livelihood. In order to live comfortably month to month, you’ll need to make a name for yourself and attract a dependable assortment of clients. Furthermore, to ensure that you’re compensated for your efforts within a reasonable timeframe, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the best methods of payment collection.

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