Getting a job using your second language

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Knowing other languages ​​in a world that, thanks to globalization, has forced us to be bilingual and almost makes us forget our mother tongue, definitely comes in handy when looking for a new job.

Numbers do not lie, today, nearly 60% of the job offers require the candidate to master a second language. English and German are taking the lead in the list for the most popular languages ​​required by employers, especially in the areas of engineering, finance, new technologies and health.

However, according to recent surveys, five languages will prevail among job seekers in 2016. To our surprise, these languages are: Italian, Portuguese, German, French, and the ever-present English.

An astounding 89.5% of current job offers require a second language, so it is time to get enrolled in the language course of your choice. French is on the list due to the fact that it is the official language of over 30 countries and as one of the five official languages in The United Nations; it also stands out in the touristic and pharmaceutical areas. German — or Europe’s second most spoken language—, stands out in the tourism sector, as well as those languages mentioned above. Perhaps the most shocking fact about this list is to see the “nonna’s” mother tongue on it. Italian has had an impressive boom these last years in Europe, especially in Spain. Brazil’s peak as a first-power economy in Latin America led them to appear in this list, and the fact that it is the official language in six countries. The near future looks very promising for Portuguese.

Do we need to say something more to convince you to go ahead and learn a second language? If you need a little extra motivation, a recent financial report indicated that people who master a second language in the United States earn at least $10,000 more annually over those who speak only one language.


Your job search starts here:  United Arab Emirates | Argentina | AustriaAustralia | BelgiumBahrain | Brazil | Canada | Switzerland | Chile | Colombia | Czech Republic | Germany | Egypt | Spain | France | UK  | Greece | Hong Kong |  Hungary | Ireland | India | Italy | JapanKuwait | Kazakhstan | Luxembourg | Mexico | Nigeria | Netherlands | New Zealand| Oman | Peru | Poland | Portugal | Qatar | Romania | Russia | Saudi Arabia |Sweden | Turkey | Ukraine | USA | Venezuela | South Africa

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