Health and Fitness Tips Every Man Should Follow

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Health and Fitness Tips Every Man Should Follow | Health and fitness of a person is an area that cannot be compromised at any cost. After all, you only live once, and thus it is very important to take good care of one’s health. Our daily lifestyle and cramped schedule may hamper our ability to exercise. Moreover, people may also be inclined toward consuming junk foods and takeaways a lot more than any time earlier. But then, as mentioned previously, we can’t take risks forever and should consult with free doctor consultation at some point in time so that careful thought can be given to one’s health. The following basic health tips can be adhered to for taking a proactive approach to the issue and can be very helpful for keeping a person fit and healthy.   

  • Visit the doctor regularly – Men are known to be notorious for ignoring a doctor even when unusual symptoms are displayed. This also partially explains the fact why women tend to outlive men in terms of age.

However, it is prudent to find a doctor online and visit them at regular intervals so that everything related to health can be kept in check. A doctor can help monitor a person’s blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar, weight, etc. so that these can be maintained at an optimum level. Excess weight, high blood cholesterol, and increased blood pressure is a recipe for cardiovascular diseases, and they can only be controlled by a medical practitioner. After you find a doctor online, he can also help suggest medications and lifestyle changes that may need to be made. They can also be helpful for many other types of medical treatments for keeping blood sugar, cholesterol, weight, and blood pressure under check.  

  • Consume natural food – A lot has been said and written lately about the benefits of natural food. Eating natural food can definitely do more good to the body than processed or packaged items. Most processed or packed food contains sugar, unhealthy fats, calories, salt and artificial additives to the brim. They can do a whole world of harm if consumed for long. It is imperative to limit the intake of these fake kinds of stuff and be more inclined towards the following types of food.
  • Whole grain products, like whole grain bread or brown rice, etc.
  • Lean cuts of poultry or meat, like the lean ground meat or skinless chicken breast, etc.
  • Fresh fruits and veggies.
  • Eatables that are rich in fiber like leafy greens, legumes, and beans.  
  • Fishes like Salmon, etc.

While buying your monthly groceries, it is a good idea to shop at the inner outlines of a store because these are the areas where more fresh items may be easily located. Packed food is generally located inside the aisles, and those areas should be avoided for buying as far as possible. You can also find a doctor online and get tips from them regarding the foodstuffs that should be consumed.

  • Start moving – Heart diseases can take a toll on your health, and it is one of the chief causes of death in men worldwide. Daily exercise can help in eliminating the risk of heart diseases and can usher in new vitality to the body. The overall mental and physical well-being can also be achieved in a more holistic way. You can always find a doctor online to know more about it.

Every week, it is recommendable to do vigorous aerobic exercises for at least 75 minutes or medium-intensity aerobic exercises for 150 minutes. Planning a 30-minute long session of moderate-intensity aerobic exercises in a week can go a long way in keeping you healthy and invigorated. Many types of aerobic exercises include jogging, walking, tennis, swimming, basketball, and many other types of similar sports. It is up to an individual to choose a preferred activity and stick to it. Find a doctor online, and some valuable tips can also be added by him in addition to these exercises.

Muscle-strengthening activities must also be done for at least two sessions per week so that a person can maintain stronger and vigorous muscles. Activities like yoga, rock climbing, and weightlifting can easily be done for maintaining and keeping the muscles in shape.

  • Getting a healthy waist – It is often said in medical circles that ‘waist defines a person’s health.’ This statement is quite true and can be taken as a thumb rule to determine one’s health. Find a doctor online, and he can definitely inform you that if the waist measurement of any person is beyond 40, that can be a cause of worry. As per the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, people with more than 40 waist sizes may be prone to a higher risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes, and many types of heart diseases.

Hence, it is very important to curb the excess belly fat by shedding out calories from one’s diet and taking up exercise to stay fit. Each individual may need a different approach and therefore, find a doctor online for developing an effective weight-loss regime that can work perfectly and is the best suited for a person.    

  • Vitamins are important – A well-balanced daily diet can provide the needed minerals and vitamins that are so essential for maintaining a healthy body. Fresh fruits, whole grains, and veggies contain minerals and medicine like Evion 400 which can be very much desirable in our daily diet. They also contain antioxidant compounds and heart-healthy fiber that can lower the risks of many diseases.

A food supplement or daily multivitamin like Mitocore can also be taken for achieving the best results. In this respect, find a doctor online that can be the best option for finding out the different types of vitamins which can be taken. Vitamins like vitamin D3 and omega-3 fatty acids from certain fish oil capsules are very much in vogue. These can have long-lasting effects and will definitely help to maintain a healthy and fit body. Moreover, consulting a doctor will also help to find out all potential benefits and risks regarding the intake of supplements and multivitamins to the daily routine.      

  • Get rid of any unhealthy habit – Smoking is one of the worst things that can affect our health. Passive smoking can also be lethal. As per reports coming from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 7,300 non-smoking Americans lose their lives each year due to passive smoking. Moreover, smoking and passive smoking can increase risks of other health conditions like emphysema, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Smoking can also raise your chances of having many types of cancer. You can always find a doctor online and inquire about its ill effects to stay informed.

In addition to smoking, consuming alcohol and any type of drug use can also be quite damaging. If you consume alcohol, it is important to do so within proper limits. For example, the consumption should be limited within two drinks a day. It is equivalent to 3 ounces of spirits, 10 ounces of wine or 24 ounces of beer.

If a person is addicted to recreational drugs usage, the same should be stopped at once. These are associated with many types of health issues. As for example, consuming cocaine may cause strokes or heart attacks and injected drugs of all types may lead to skin infection or breakdown at the injected site. Find a doctor online to ascertain more information in this aspect.

If there is a tendency to smoke, drink or use drugs, find a doctor online who can be the best guide in recommending a quitting plan with various types of therapies, medications and many types of treatment available at their disposal.    

  • Taking care of the skin – It is very important to take good care of the skin. Drinking enough water can help in sweating and keep the skin hydrated. Men above the age of 50 are usually prone to a type of skin cancer that is known as Melanoma. It is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. Moreover, people of the Caucasian race are at an increased risk of contracting the disease.

While in the sun, it is very important to take good care of your skin due to it being exposed to harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It can increase the chances of Melanoma and therefore the following steps can be taken to counter it.

  • Wear protective clothing to cover the whole body  
  • Try to remain in the shade as far as possible
  • Apply a sunscreen cream of sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher on the exposed body parts
  • Reapply the sunscreen every after two hours if you are swimming or sweating

Another dangerous source of UV radiation is the tanning bed which must not be used.

It is also a fair idea to find a doctor online and conduct a monthly skin check. Alternately, always try to look out for new moles, any changes to existing moles or any other perceptible change to the texture or color of the skin. You can also use a mirror to help check those places in the body where it may not be possible to see otherwise.      

Apart from the above-mentioned points, men should also get their prostate checked and conduct tests regularly for colorectal cancer beyond the age of 50. All these tips can go a long way in ensuring that a person can remain fit and healthy.

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