Top 5 Time-out Tips for Tired Stay-at-Home Moms

    Home Moms-Negosentro

    Negosentro|Constantly tired and running out of patience? Maybe you need a time-out, Mom,from getting up early to help the kids prepare for school, to running errands all day, to making dinner for the whole family, stay-at-home moms have one tough job.

    SAHM Like It, SAHM Like It Not

    Stay-at-home moms or SAHMs have their hands full just taking care of home and hearth. Some people may compare SAHMs with working moms, but the important thing to keep in mind is this: Both kinds of mothers have their own battles to fight. Here, we will be focusing on the mothers who stay home.Contrary to popular belief, SAHMs spend much of their days getting important things done at home for the whole family. Just because they do not get up every morning, get dressed, and head out to work in an office, it does not mean that they just lounge around and happily twiddle their thumbs waiting for the family to come home at the end of the day Home Moms.

    Most SAHMs would love that scenario to be true. Who wouldn’t want to simply enjoy a luxury cinema experience, a day at the spa, or sipping cappuccinos while having a tete-a-tete? However, the reality is that not every SAHM has the opportunity to occasionally indulge in these things, much less on a constant basis.Managing a household that does not have the luxury and the means to hire a full-time staff of cooks, cleaners and caregivers is a challenging responsibility. Often, the bulk of caring for the home and all family members falls on the shoulders of these mothers. Of course, while many embrace the role wholeheartedly, they would certainly appreciate an opportunity to take a break, indulge in a little fun, and engage in some much-deserved “me-time” after continuously looking after everyone else at Home Moms.

    A Day Out for Depleted Moms

    There are SAHMs out there who have simply crossed the line from tiredness to extreme exhaustion. Their batteries have been depleted to the point that the mere mention of dishes makes them want to run miles away. Some even find tasks that they previously enjoyed to be annoying. Others even want to take some time away from family members. These can all be signs of Depleted Mother Syndrome or DPS. The term was first coined and mentioned in the book “Mother Nurture” by Dr. Jan, Hanson, Dr. Rick Hanson, and Dr. Ricki Pollycove. DPS happens when the demands on the mom increase while her resources – emotional, mental, physical, or social – are diminished. Simply put, it is when all of mommy’s buttons are pushed and she is finally driven up the wall Home Moms.

    It can be called parental exhaustion or mommy burnout, but whatever name it may be called, the truth is that moms can get tired, too. There is no short supply of wonder moms out there who seem to be zipping in and out of tasks without complaint. However, even superheroes need a break.If you count yourself as one of the moms falling into the DPS zone, you should definitely get a breather. Raising the time-out card is essential for you to regain your sanity and peace of mind. Here are some top tips that SAHMs can follow to fully enjoy some time away from the daily responsibilities:

    Watch a Movie

    Don’t just settle for Netflix and chill. You might be tempted to just stay in your pajamas, curl up in bed with a tub of ice cream, and surf the Net for movies. However, it would be good for you to have a change of scenery.Instead, dress up and get out of the house. If you feel like it, you can even invite some friends to watch the latest flick. It doesn’t matter if you prefer to watch alone or with company, but make sure that you enjoy the whole cinema experience Home Moms.

    Choose a luxury cinema where you can enjoy an elevated cinema experience. Watch in ultra-comfortable recliner seats. Snuggle into the blanket and pillow that is already provided and dine with gusto with a carefully curated in-theatre menu. Let the in-house food staff wait on you for a change. All you need to do is sit (or lie) back, relax, and enjoy the movie.

    Stroll and Shop

    Shopping is another activity that you might enjoy. There’s a reason why some call it retail therapy. Not only will you get to squeeze in some physical activity through walking around, but you also get to sate your appetite for the latest fashion and trends.Feel free to scour the racks, hop from boutique to boutique, or simply window shop. From streetwear outfits to designer shoes, you can feast your eyes on a rainbow of colors. Just getting out and catching some sunshine and fresh air will already do wonders for your mind and body Home Moms.

    Pamper Yourself

    One of the most popular ways to unwind and recharge is through pampering yourself.

    You can go to your favorite spa and have the therapist massage your cares and worries away. Relax from head to toe by trying out a whole selection of wellness treats. These will help reinvigorate and re-energize you.Should you wish to have company, invite a few friends or family members for a day at the salon. Comb out the stress with the different hair treatments available, get a manicure and pedicure, or go all out and spring for an entirely new ‘do.

    Comfort Food

    You can also take time off from your daily chores by eating out. People love to eat food that provides comfort at some level. Some prefer chocolates and ice cream while others seek out dishes that remind them of their parents’ or grandparents’ home cooking and bring back good memories.Remember though that some comfort food may actually be packed with ingredients that are not beneficial to your body. Ideally, eat out and choose a delicious but balanced and nutritious meal.

    At the same time, eating out doesn’t just mean being able to eat without cooking it yourself. It’s also a perfect time for a good chat with friends. You can also catch up with your reading while taking the time to eat your dessert.

    Get Physical

    Another option to consider when you want to take a breather is to do some sort of physical activity. You can choose whether you want a moderate or vigorous workout. What matters is that you get some time to focus on your body.Whether you go walking in the park, biking around the community, or even hiking in the mountains, exercise can do wonders in reinvigorating your mind and body. You can also do yoga, volunteer for environmental activities, or simply enjoy swimming at your favorite beach.

    Take a Break

    Don’t feel guilty for taking a break. You need to pause and recharge once in a while so you can get your perspectives back on track. Remember that you cannot pour from an empty cup. When you become depleted with the will and energy to carry out your responsibilities, it is only right that you find ways to make yourself feel whole again.

    It’s OK to get tired, and when you do, it’s also OK to get the rest you need.


    Paul Fox is the Director of Roxy Cinemas under Meraas Group/DXB Entertainments. Roxy Cinemas currently has five Dubai locations: The Beach, La Mer, City Walk, Box Park, and Bollywood Parks Home Moms.




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