How to Choose the Best Timber Flooring for Your Home?

Benefits of Commercial Vinyl flooring How to Choose the Best Timber Flooring for Your Home? 2020 - Negosentro

Negosentro| How to Choose the Best Timber Flooring for Your Home? |We all want to have classy yet durable flooring for our home, and while there are many materials to choose from, timber flooring is something that stands out. Also known as wood or hardwood flooring, it is a product derived from nature itself. Along with its classy appearance and variety of cuts, colors, styles, and species, it possesses some anti-allergic features as well. When it comes to choosing the best timber, you might want to consider some tips listed below that will help you speed up the process.

The ‘Why’ of Timber Flooring

Each person might look for different things in their flooring. While some can go for visual aesthetics, others may prioritize the sound it makes. It is imperative that you know the reasons before buying timber flooring for your house. Your choice of flooring may also depend upon whether you have pets or children in your house or not, as you would want your flooring to be warm for them. 

If you are feeling clueless and stressing about where to begin with, then consider talking to professionals in your locality. Their years of experience can be of great use while narrowing down the search for an expert. By doing so, you will know the best type of flooring that goes with your house and lifestyle.

Matching is Important

Homes should always look pleasant and stay functional at the same time. Imagine, your home is full of guests and your new timber floor does not go with the other details of your rooms. In such a situation, your house will look unorganized and chaotic even with timber flooring. Hence, before you decide to install your flooring, make sure you consider elements such as décor and furnishings of your rooms and other details. For example, for a casual or contemporary room, you can go for timber floor with light colors, and choose dark color for rooms with more traditional settings. Wooden flooring made from red oak and maple eye can match well with any general theme and interior design.

The Durability Factor

Nothing comes free in this world, and timber is no different. You will need to spend a certain amount of cash from your pocket, irrespective of how big or small your house is. So, naturally you would not want your investment to go down the drain, and that is when you look for durability. The durability factor for any flooring material depends upon the brand and warranty of the flooring, and the type of traffic of your home. When looking at different types of options, search the wooden flooring made from tallow wood, non-marking wood or bamboo. These materials will prove to be excellent and appropriate for your living area. When used in high traffic areas of your home, these materials are not easily vulnerable to scratches. 

Maintenance Needs

Who does not want their timber flooring to last for an exceptionally long time, and it is only possible if you know how to maintain it properly? In general, timber floors are recommended to clean with little or no water, as it can result in cupping of the floor. Maintenance of wooden flooring requires sweeping or vacuuming at least once in a week. You can also use appropriate cleaning products such as positive emulsion cleaners especially used to clean timber floors. It is ideal to choose the type of timber floor that requires maintenance suitable with your lifestyle.

Research is Inevitable

When it comes to researching before investing, internet has always been our friend. There is a plethora of information available on the internet regarding different materials used for making timber floors. You can find plenty of pros and cons information that can be helpful in deciding the type of flooring you want. However, your research should not be limited to internet only. You can always reach out to stores in your locality to know more about your options. However, this process can get a bit annoying because the material you are looking for might not be available. Nevertheless, a good full-blown research before buying a product is always useful.


Since you have made the decision of going with timber flooring, the next process in line is choosing a contractor. With the above tips, you would be able to get the best of flooring, and for that you will need a contractor who is licensed, experienced and skilled in the industry. Once installed, sit back and enjoy the perks of having timber floors in your home.

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