How to do Successful Online Marketing in Just 2 Hours Per Week

online-marketing, successful-online-marketing

According to the Social Media Marketing Report, most online marketers (64%) spend 6 hours or more on social media, whereas 41 % dedicate 11 hours per week and 19 % dedicate 20 hours a week.

So how do you cut your time and get efficient results?

Here are some tips to make it simple:

Have a Strategic Plan

Having a defined goal saves you those precious minutes that you needed for online marketing.

Spend more time on planning what your goals are and what you need to do in order to achieve that goal. Having a clearly defined set of plans will help you focus and minimize the distractions.

You need to know that there are many distractions: some are around you but most distractions are online (such as the social media). Make your plan as your focal point when marketing online and you’ll be surprised how you can get the optimum results in a fewer time.

Schedule similar tasks together

One good thing when you have is that you can sort out every activity whether it is redundant or time-consuming. Schedule one time to answer queries and emails.

Have another time to make blogs and updates regarding your product. In this way, you can concentrate more on a task one at a time and you won’t have a hard time thinking what to do next because the task is laid out clearly and concisely.

Think of contents in advance

When planning the goals and tasks for online marketing, you also have to think of the new trends, occasions and special holidays where you can apply special marketing strategies such as gifts for Christmas, special Halloween items or even special products for the Lenten season.

You don’t have to wait for the exact date before thinking about a fresh content. Plan this in advance so that you can incorporate it when you are doing your tasks.

Harness the power of automation

There are certain redundant tasks that you can automate so you don’t have to do it over and over again by yourself. Get a program to do the regular posting of content for you. In this way, you can focus on more important tasks regarding your business.

online marketing body

Try outsourcing

There are a number of SEO companies that gives the free trial of their program so that you can consider committing to those companies.

Try these different promotional offers so that you can identify which program is suited to meet your online marketing needs.

Finally, you really need to have the self discipline to focus on your task because getting drowned in the social media noise is time-consuming, tiring, and depressing especially if you didn’t meet you expected outcome.

So instead of try harder, you should also try to be smarter.

Most marketers (64%) spend six hours or more on social media, but many spend much more. About 41% dedicate 11 hours or more a week and almost 19% dedicate over 20 hours a week, according to the Social Media Marketing Industry Report from Social Media Examiner.


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