How to Effectively Boost Your Business with Digital Outdoor Signage

How to Effectively Boost Your Business with Digital Outdoor Signage 2020 - Negosentro

Negosentro| How to Effectively Boost Your Business with Digital Outdoor Signage |When you’re deciding on advertising options for your business, digital outdoor signage is a highly effective method. Whether you operate a brick-and-mortar business, or solely an e-commerce business, there are many ways that using outdoor signage can benefit your advertising efforts. Digital outdoor signs are like having multiple storefronts on display for everyone to see. Outdoor signage should be part of your marketing strategy, and here are some of the reasons why.


When crafting your advertising campaigns, the goal is to choose the channel that is the most effective at reaching your target audience, which may not necessarily be the cheapest option. The good news is that outdoor signage is cost-effective and efficient. Digital sign displays give you the same level of exposure as you would get through billboards, magazine ads, radio, or tv, at a fraction of the cost. With new digital sign technology, the signs don’t even need to be backlit, saving you even more on energy use.

The way people consume traditional media is changing. Not as many people listen to the radio or read printed magazines as they used to, and therefore you need to increase your marketing efforts on those platforms if you want to reach people. But that comes at a cost. Digital outdoor signs continue to be just as effective as always, and you only have to pay once. Additionally, there are no hefty printing fees. You can easily change your display and message, without having to re-record commercials, or print new copies, which leads to the next point.

Easy to update

Using digital outdoor signage for advertising means that your advert is easy to update. When you advertise through print media, like flyers, or magazines, you can’t change the message. If your marketing strategy changes or your campaign isn’t effective, and you want to switch gears, you need to print new copies of your updated ad. On top of that, it takes time to print new copies, so once you finish your design, you still need to wait to go through the printing and distribution processes to get your word out.

If you shoot videos or record audio for social media and online ads, television, streaming platforms, and radio, it takes a lot of time, money, and resources to produce new content. That doesn’t happen overnight, so you can’t get timely messages out to your consumers. If you’re dropping a big sale or launching a new product, you can update digital outdoor signs with the click of a button.

Builds brand awareness and increases exposure

Using digital outdoor signs is a great way to build brand awareness and reach those who may otherwise not hear about your business. Placing your sign in an area of dense traffic means that your message will be seen by a vast volume of pedestrians, bicyclists, and everyone going by in their car. It’s especially effective with commuters or those who pass by your sign daily as your message will stick in their head, and they will remember your products or services. Ensure that your sign includes your logo, and encompasses your brand identity, including colors and fonts. That way, everyone who sees the sign will be able to associate your branding with your product.

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