How to Prepare Your Office Carpets for a Professional Carpet Cleaning Service

after christmas carpet cleaning | How to Prepare Your Office Carpets for a Professional Carpet Cleaning Service | You have already chosen your carpet cleaning company and have booked an appointment. Now you need to get your business ready for the carpet cleaning to take place. There are a few steps that you should take to ensure that the cleaning goes smoothly, issue free and quickly as possible.

Vacuum the Carpets

Before the cleaning company arrives, you need to vacuum the carpets. This might seem strange when you consider that you are getting them cleaned by a professional company, but doing this is very helpful for the cleaners. If you vacuum first they will be able to get straight into cleaning the carpets and will not have to spend time vacuuming.

Vacuuming will also remove the surface dirt and debris from the carpets. When the carpet cleaning company arrives, they will be able to remove the deep-seated dirt from the carpet. Many businesses find that vacuuming first will result in a better clean.

There is also a common misconception. The misconception is that it’s actually the job of the carpet cleaning company to initially vacuum. Their job is to deal with deep steam cleaning for your carpets and stains removal for the most part. Now, while a once over vacuum will generally take place, this vacuum is actually done with a specialty high powered vacuum to remove as much dirt from the carpet that’s deeply embedded into the carpets fibers. It’s not part of their job to complete a regular vacuum. And if the company you hired shows up to really dirty carpet with sand everywhere (for example) from say workmen coming and going. They are likely to charge extra for their time.

But, as you are running a business you should have nightly or at least biweekly cleaners doing regular vacuuming anyhow. So it’s best to schedule deep steam cleaning of the carpets after the regular janitorial staff finish their shift. Then you’ll be ready to let in the professionals in charge for an in-depth maintenance process. And to mention a great single example, you might find it worthy of taking a look at carpet cleaners Amarillo.

Look For Items That Touch the Floor

Full-length curtains and blinds can add to the aesthetics of your office, but you need to be careful with them when it comes to carpet cleaning. You will need to pin them up before the cleaners arrive. This will stop them from being damaged by the chemicals that are used to clean the carpets.

It is not only curtains and blinds that you need to be aware of. Long tablecloths will need to be removed and stored for the duration of the cleaning. You do not want them to be discolored along the edges because of the cleaning.

Upholstered furniture will also need to be removed from the area. This furniture should be placed in an area that the cleaners will not be working in. If the furniture cannot be removed from the room, you will have to cover them with a protective layer to ensure that they are not damaged.

Make Some Space

While commercial carpet cleaning companies are used to working in offices, you can make everything a little easier for them by making some space. Office furniture should be removed from the area so it’s easier for them to deep steam clean. Such as free standing desk, chairs, tables and so on. Having to move around the furniture will increase the amount of time needed to complete the cleaning and they might charge extra for this. Obviously things like fixed office partitions will remain in the same position.

Small items in your office such as wastebaskets and chair mats will need to be removed also. You should also inform your staff that the carpet cleaners are coming so they don’t leave anything on the floor.

Identify Problem Areas

Before the cleaners arrive, you need to complete a walkthrough of your office and take a look at the carpets. You will be looking for any areas that are stained or need particular attention. You should make a note of these areas and inform the cleaners when they arrive. It is recommended that you point out these areas before they start. A reputable company will identify these problem areas but there is no harm in advising them of these particular areas.

If you are not going to be around when the carpet cleaners arrive, you will have to mark the areas. The markings that you use will need to be communicated to the cleaners so they know what to look for. Small cones or gaffer tape can be used to highlight the areas that you want them to focus on.

Alert your Staff

As you might have realized, you need to tell your staff that the cleaning is going to happen. If the cleaners are coming outside of your general business hours, you will need to let your afterhours staff or security know beforehand. Security staff will have to let the cleaners in and be on hand should there be any access issues to certain areas. For example if Dynamik Carpet Cleaning will be coming to deep steam clean your carpets then let your staff know this is the contracted company that will be on site. This way your staff will not be surprised to see people from another company on site.

Telling your staff about the cleaning can also reduce the work that you need to do to prepare. You could have each department move furniture in their area and ensure that the area is ready. They can also tell you if there are any areas of carpet that need to be focused on. As they work in that area daily and might know something you don’t.

Clear the Entrance

A lot of people do not consider the entrance to their office when they hire carpet cleaners. To prepare for cleaning, you should make sure the parking space closest to the entrance of your office is available for the cleaners van. There is a fair amount of equipment that they will need to bring into your office and you need to make this easy for them. They might even use a truck mounted cleaning system for the ground floor. If this is the case that parking space at the entrance is even more important.

Keep three parking bays closest to the doors free for the cleaners. If staff are going to be onsite during the cleaning, you will need to advise them to avoid blocking the cleaners in.

In Summary

Carpet cleaning is something that you need to complete for a number of reasons. The Carpet and Rug Institute known as CRI doesn’t officially recommend how often carpets in a business should be cleaned. Nor does the EPA but its common practice to have deep steam cleaning take place ever few months for busy offices and every six months for smaller offices.

And remember, before the cleaners arrive, you need to prepare your office. Ensuring that all furniture is moved out of the way giving the carpet cleaning company free access to every part of the office they will be cleaning. And you also need to communicate with your staff about what is taking place. Doing this will ensure that everything goes smooth and issue free.

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