How to Research Backend Keywords for Amazon FBA Private Label

How to Research Backend Keywords for Amazon FBA Private Label 2020 - Negosentro

Negosentro| How to Research Backend Keywords for Amazon FBA Private Label |Amazon Backend Keywords are the hidden search terms that you can add to a product listing to increase your visibility. These keywords are not visible to the user on your product details page. They play a crucial role in Amazon SEO. So, you need to use the most relevant keywords as part of your Backend search terms.

According to Amazon’s latest update, the total length of the search terms is limited to less than 250 bytes. And, this limit includes commas, spaces, hyphes, etc. 

In this article, let’s discuss how to find the Backend keywords using different methods.

Why are Backend keywords important to your listings?

You may be wondering that Backend keywords is just another section to fill your product details and why they matter so much. Backend keywords are essential as they help your product ranking for the other keywords which can’t be added in the listings. Instead, you can keep them on the backend and still rank for them. 

Often, sellers use free keyword tools on the internet like Google keyword planner,, etc to find keywords for Amazon product listings. While this process is not entirely accurate, those are good tools to start with and find potential ideas related to your product.

However, Amazon A9 algorithm works differently from Google’s search algorithm. Besides, the way people search also differs. Keeping that in mind, we have a few suggestions:

How to optimize Amazon Backend Keywords?

Use Keywords sparingly

If you are familiar with Google SEO, you tend to include keywords multiple times. However, you don’t need to do that on Amazon. Even if you use them once, you’ll rank. When you add backend keywords, you need to follow the same practice. Don’t use the words that are already existing in the listings.

Instead, use keywords that are missing in the listings.

Tip: Use keywords that you can’t add in the listings. Backend keywords are a great way to add commonly misspelled words. Also, don’t worry about using plurals, as Amazon will take plural form into consideration. For example, if you are trying to rank for a keyword like ‘gaming laptop,’ Amazon will show your product in the results, when a user types ‘gaming laptops.’

Follow Amazon’s guidelines

If you want to stay in the good books of Amazon, you need to abide by Amazon’s rules. If you follow these rules, you’ll optimize your listings way better.

Put keywords in a logical order – When you are listing keywords for your products, it’s a best practice to use the keywords in a logical manner. You want to put the keywords in the order that your customer searches. 

For example, ‘wireless headphones for running’ will be a better way to add a keyword than ‘running wireless headphones.’

Use relevant keywords – Amazon wants to display only relevant products in the search results to encourage conversions. If you use irrelevant keywords, your products may not be displayed in the search results as Amazon thinks that your product won’t be relevant to the customer.  

Avoid using brand keywords – Amazon never allows your brand identifiers in your backend keywords. So, you need to focus on non-branded keywords in the backend keywords for better optimization. 

How to find Backend keywords for your listings?

Amazon Sponsored Products

Amazon Sponsored Product ads can be very beneficial if you want to find potential keywords. Running automatic campaigns for your products is one of the best ways to find relevant search terms. 

Yes! Finding search terms may cost you some money. But it’s worth investing in the right place. 

SellerApp Keyword Research Tool

With the SellerApp keyword tool, it’s easy to find keywords based on your CPC, search volume, number of indexed products, and competition. You can filter long-tail keywords or keyword phrases for your listings and use the appropriate ones for your backend keywords. 

Track your performance

Amazon sellers usually add the keywords for their listings and never optimize them again. This is a mistake. A successful seller tracks how the keywords are performing over a period and see if they are indexed and working effectively. Also, keep in mind that modifying the backend keywords is not suggested either as it takes a while for the keywords to impact your product ranking. Therefore, you need to track them periodically.

Author Bio: Arishekar is the head of Marketing & Growth for SellerApp. You can find Arishekar on LinkedIn and Twitter

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