Intel Helps San Jose Become America’s First Smart City


by Vincenzo M. Landino | via Linkedin |

The Smart Cities USA partnership will demonstrate how cities can use the Internet of Things to improve quality of life for its citizens.

Last years’ SmartAmerica Challenge, issued by the White House, was launched to prove how the Internet of Things could not only improve the efficiency of American cities, but also create jobs, and help develop new business opportunities. Intel accepted the challenge and created America’s first Smart City in San Jose, California. By leveraging the power of an Internet of Things network, the city is now able to monitor live statistics on transportation, air quality and more.

Intel installed sensors all over San Jose that measure air and water pollution, noise, traffic flow, energy usage, communication, and public transportation use. The ultimate goal of the public-private partnership is to use the Internet of Things to advance San Jose’s Green Visionprogram. It also created over 25,000 local jobs in clean technology as an added socioeconomic boon.

So far, cloud security has been the biggest challenge for Intel with this project, as the network for the Internet of Things lives in the cloud. The SmartAmerica Challenge was launched to bring Industry, Academia and the Government to show how Cyber-Physical Systems (the Internet of Things) can create jobs, new business opportunities and socio-economic benefits to America.

PSFK has just launched a Real World Web report on how we will all be living in the Internet of Things before long. That an entire city has become ‘smart’ is just further proof that our future will be a fully connected one.



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