Internet of Things: The Technological Changes Shaping Our Future

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Today, we are standing at the threshold of Fourth Industrial Revolution that will vitally amend the way we exist, work and relate to each other.

‘The Future of Jobs’ – A report by World Economic Forum (WEF) published in January, 2016 rightly points out that the revolution will be unlike anything our civilization has experienced till now.

The future we predict is occupied by storable records that surpass Petabytes of data (1 Petabyte = 15,000 Terabyte), wearable technological devices and sensors embedded in the environment. Machines will be able to learn, thereby developing their ‘intelligence’.

The current technological trends suggest that each one of us will gradually be involved with Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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Internet of Things (IoT): Where do data appear from?

We are moving towards a world where everything will be computerized. You can already buy internet-enabled cars, refrigerators and light bulbs from the market and the days are not too far when you will find everything on the internet: your possessions, the things you interact with and autonomous gears that create network with one another.

These ‘things’ will be separated in two components. One component will be the sensors that gather information about us and our surroundings and the other component will be the actuators. Your smart phone is already internet-enabled enough to detect your location and send the information back to Google Maps Mobile App to determine on which route the traffic clogging is.

Progressively, the need for human interventions will be entirely eliminated. The sensors will assemble data, the systems will process that data and decipher where to use it, and the actuators will perform every task on the planet. The internet will sense and act.

We will discover about things and connect in an entirely new manner. We will be able to talk to things and they will respond us back: Where are my car keys? What time I need to take my medicine? Who visited home before me?

We will have a world built of internet and inbuilt connectivity in the environment.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Are things smart enough to learn?

Experts are foreseeing that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will transform everything about the way we live, work and interact in our environment. The idea that machines will one day learn to adapt themselves in their environment, rather than having to be instructed for every event is encapsulated.

Every major tech player in the market, including IBM, Google and Apple, is investing profoundly in this technology. In fact, Google have recently declared the conception of an AI system which writes poetry.

While Stephen Hawkings has warned that AI could pose a threat to human population if it will ever outdo human intelligence, the connoisseurs expect human level Artificial Intelligence to be formed around the year 2030. They also suggest that we should prepare towards that technological era by forming ethical standards, integrating governance and social associations with latest progresses, and structuring encrypted protections to keep a check on the unauthorized uses of AI and robotics.

The Journey till There

The scale of growth in data, driven by the rapidity of informational transaction, has attained the stage where human mind simple cannot hold on to information without the assistance of internet and artificial intelligence.

Human intelligence and competences propped up by technological evolution could sincerely help offering answers to universal issues, like, chronic diseases and life threatening jobs.

However, those who are likely to succeed to the point where AI and Internet will outshine human intelligence will be the ones who will manage to see and discover beyond all the hype, and consequently answer the queries about how these technologies can propel a positive change in human lives.

via Ashish Sharma

Ashish Sharma is a Key Account Manager having 10+ years in sales & marketing, looking after Marketing Strategies and building new business tie ups at WeDigTech – A hub of skilled mobile app developers in India working on iPhone Apps, Android Apps, Windows Apps. Helping Enterprises & StartUps for Web & Mobile Applications Consulting and Development from domestic to MNCs.

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