What to Know About the Amazon Buy Box


Veronica Justice, Negosentro | If you’re an Internet trader with an active business through selling products online, chances are, you’ve probably heard of the Amazon Buy Box function. If you haven’t, then it’s something that you can easily dismiss on the site, but that’s because it appears to be marketed by the site itself. For any business owner, there has been no better motto to explain the climate of the Internet market as fondly as: “Location, location, location” since the Amazon Buy Box allows sellers the chance to have the best placement opportunity for selling their products.

How it works

The Buy Box is relevant to every product listed on Amazon. Since Amazon’s ingenious platform allows users to sell the same product, competition for even a single product exists between yourself and the other sellers on the Internet. With the Buy Box, users are affirmed of the quality of the product they are buying as it is backed up by Amazon’s algorithm in letting you add the product to your cart through Amazon’s shipping service. However, the Buy Box doesn’t appear on all products; it only appears on the products that are deemed ‘eligible’, and gaining eligibility to have the Buy Box on your products is a surefire way to build up credibility in your chosen market.

How to gain eligibility

Amazon provides criteria for the eligibility of a product which is summed up as Pricing, Availability, Fulfillment, and Customer Service.

The first hurdle is pricing. To excel in this aspect, you need to watch the market for rising and falling prices. A good way to monitor these shifts, if you don’t want to browse through 50 other copies of the same product is using an Amazon repricer that can provide invaluable information regarding price shifts and price percentages raised and lowered by other users on the product that you’re selling.

To assess the demands of the market means checking if a growing trend in demand will need you to restock your inventory. Having a large stock of products in demand is a good business practice that is sure to be noticed as a reflection not just your satisfying prices but upstanding product quality.

Building Credibility

Besides the numbers, Amazon also monitors the Customer Service that you provide in shipping your products. It’s one thing to monitor and have quality control in all things that you market online, but what matters more to customers is a provider who can adjust to their needs. In the case of locations, multiple shipping options are sure to be a plus. These small aspects of services can seem a lot, but to be featured in the Amazon Buy Box is sure to bring in a boost in sales.

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