How to Market Your Small Business Effectively

When Starting a Small Business Small Business Trends Market Your Small Business

Homerun Nievera, Negosentro.comIf you’re a small business owner, you’re probably always looking for new and inexpensive ways to market your business. Even if you’re not thinking about it, you should. As they say, the best moment to start is always now.

All those marketing tools that were previously only available to big and wealthy companies are now available to you, and you should make use of them. Let’s take a look at some of those strategies and ways that will help your small business grow.

Go mobile

More and more people are using their mobile devices for browsing the internet, and if your company’s website is not optimized for mobile devices, you’re probably losing customers even if you don’t know it. Most people simple visit a company’s website when they want to know more about it, and most of them are doing that by using their Android devices and iPhones.

If your mobile site is lightweight and cool, any potential customer will take some time to check it out and buy something. As you can see, your website is a powerful tool, and it shouldn’t be underestimated.

Use email

You might think that email is a thing of the past, but that’s where you’re wrong. Email marketing is still the best performing marketing channel, and it’s even on the rise. Traditional email marketing tactics have been scraped, and nowadays this form of marketing is more personalized and finely targeted. That means that you don’t need to send newsletters anymore.

You can now rely on fully automated marketing tools that send the right messages at the right time to potential customers.

Use live marketing

Facebook Live, Snapchat and Instagram can be the tools that you can use to market your company or your products for free! Turn on your camera and film the atmosphere in your company. Let your potential customers see just how cool your company is.

Use your blog

If you don’t have a blog on your website, you should make one right now. Engage your customers and communicate with them. Let them know what exactly your company’s plans are and keep them in the loop.

You can also talk about local companies in your area and give them some free exposure. They will probably return the favor.

Use promotional products

The right promotional products can be inexpensive, and they can market your business to the right audience. People love having something that they can see and touch, and that’s why making use of promotional products is a good idea. Put your company’s name on coffee mugs, pens, keychains or memory sticks by USB planet and let those things work their magic.

Create a new logo if you have to

Changing a logo can be a hard decision, but sometimes it’s inevitable. Having a logo that really shows what your company is about can be much more efficient than paying marketing strategists to find new ways to market your company to potential clients. Find a good designer, tell him all about your company’s vision and let him do the job. Don’t try to interfere with your designer’s process. Often a new and a fresh pair of eyes can see much better what kind of logo your company should have than you can.

Manage your online reputation

Online reputation is everything these days, and you should use Google Business and Yelp to make sure your customers are satisfied. Don’t be afraid to ask a happy customer to write a positive review about your company. Give them a small token of appreciation when they make a purchase, and they will probably oblige.

Marketing is not rocket science, and it’s mostly about the little things. Show your customers that you care about them, market your products subtly, and you’ll reap the rewards in no time.

Homer Nievera caricature
Homerun Nievera

Homerun Nievera is the publisher of and He has interests in several tech and digital businesses as director and chief strategist.

Homerun is a digital evangelistcontent marketer and lifelong learning advocate. Homerun is the “He Said” in the popular Facebook Page He Said, She Said. Email at

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