Nestle is going “natural” – with its creamer and its baristas.


Naked baristas! Free coffee! Got your attention?

The Swiss company cast “nude” baristas — male and female actors covered only in body paint — to draw attention its Coffee-Mate creamer.

Nestlé took over a Manhattan coffee shop for a day and offered free coffee — and Natural Bliss creamer — to unsuspecting customers who happened to pop in. Nestlé posted a video of the shenanigans on its Coffee-Mate Youtube channel (see below).

“We are the all-natural bliss café. Surprisingly natural!” says the naked female barista — well, naked except for the body paint that looks like an an apron.

Some customers noticed and some don’t.

“Can I see your bum?” a female customer asks the male barista.

“Yeah, absolutely,” he says, and turns around to give her a look.

“Yay!” she says. “Looks great.”

Nestle was not immediately available for comment.

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via CNN


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