4 Tips for Optimizing Business Computing Networks

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Operating and maintaining a business computing networks or servers can be challenging enough to be outsourced to dedicated IT professionals, but it’s also possible to take an in-house approach to many of the steps involved. Small businesses and companies that have expanded rapidly often grow their networks organically, making upgrades and additions as needed. Although the primary goal is to utilize strategies and software and get the job done reliably, speed and efficiency are also key factors to improve when you’re trying to create a more useful and convenient environment. With that said, here are tips you can use to give your company’s computing capabilities a boost in several ways.

  • Refine Data Management Practices

If you’re in the process of scaling up your data and you want your network to remain highly responsive as your company continues to grow, it’s important to upgrade your data management practices accordingly. Switching from a standard web hosting plan to a more powerful dedicated plan is a good start, as is using cache software to increase computing speed in your server network. If all of this sounds foreign, it may be wise to consult with a corporate data specialist that can help you build and optimize a multi-CPU/server network using digital tools and scripts like Ehcache. Taking a consultant-guided approach will help you benefit from more advanced cache options like Ehcache MaxEntriesLocalHeap.

  • Operate in the Cloud

If you’re currently using in-house servers or PCs to store and transmit data, consider the advantages of switching to cloud-based storage and collaboration. Keeping your data and operations in the cloud can not only speed up your processes, it can also help prevent data loss by syncing data across devices and locations automatically. Furthermore, cloud-based data can be accessed from anywhere you can connect to the web, so it eliminates the need to be within a specific office building or local network.

  • Use More Powerful Machines

Perhaps the easiest way to increase the efficiency of your business computing network is to upgrade to faster PCs. While you might feel as though you can get by with standard laptops or desktops that have 2-4 GB of RAM, investing in machines with 8 GB of RAM or more will ensure that your employees are able to handle more demanding computing tasks like using resource demanding software.

  • Control Access and Security

Finally, to keep your data and operation safe at all times you’ll want to install a network-wide anti-virus suite and corporate firewall. Likewise, assigning various levels of access permission to employees can help you track and monitor how your business computing network is being used while also preventing unauthorized or inappropriate network access and usage.

Avoiding Unnecessary Workflow Delays and Downtime

Ultimately, all of the above tips are designed to help you conquer tasks and collaborate more effectively with the aim of minimizing or completely eliminating downtime caused by technical difficulties. By implementing redundancy measures and equipping your business with optimal technological resources for business computing, you can prevent avoidable stumbling blocks and enhance all of your computer networking processes.

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