Putting Things Off: Why Procrastination Can Be Good For Your Career


by Homerun Nievera, Negosentro.com |

The old idiom “Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today” is not always the best advice for everyone. There are many times when job seekers quickly accept a job offer only to find they missed a better offer a few days later.

The other idiom that might apply is “Marry in haste, repent at leisure.” Once a job offer is accepted, you are “married” to the job you accepted and may spend time repenting for such hasty acceptance. It is in these circumstances career procrastination goes a long was toward success.

Mastering the Art of Timeliness

Time plays a huge role in a career. Often, timing is the difference between a great job opportunity and a missed chance to open a new door. Individuals who have mastered the art of great timing have one thing in common: constructive procrastination and the ability to allow time to take its natural course of action.

Everyone knows rushing into decisions increases the margins for error. What many individuals miss are very important details that make or break a career and were overlooked.

To master the art of timeliness in your career, try to match the present time with future time for a broader picture of career direction. For example, a career in science may begin as a bench or lab chemist. However, by taking time to study all options and opportunities in new fields of research, prior career experience may be a good fit for new directions science takes.

Constructive Procrastination

Just as you wouldn’t jump into fast talking money schemes, career choices and direction are affected by lack of scrutiny and analysis. By using constructive procrastination, it is possible to create a strong career direction by “waiting out” decisions mired in uncertainty.

Uncertainty is part of the reason we all procrastinate. When we are not sure the decisions we are about to make are the best for the long term, we procrastinate until we have some concrete evidence we should go forward. Constructive procrastination is a normal human response to uncertainty and a healthy reaction.

The “How To” of Developing Healthy, Constructive Procrastination

Most career professionals already have preset goals for career direction in mind. What some may not have are the right connections or links to reach these goals. This is where developing a healthy, constructive career procrastination is quite valuable.

Try to “see” all of your career options that relate directly to your goals. Study the features of your career direction that appear to be your next step forward. The major timing of career development is to move onward, forward and upward in order to feel the greatest sense of achievement.

Career procrastination doesn’t mean stagnation. It simply implies an astute sense of career motion. Determine what your career motion has been and where it can go. A career that continues onward is a career that moves forward and upward.

Your Career Investment

For many professionals, careers are like investing in stocks. Stocks go up and down and so do careers. A downward spiral in a career may not necessarily be a negative phase. It can be a stage of career fermentation that catapults your career to a new or different direction.

When your career takes a dip, take the time to allow all the negative dust to settle to see what might be ahead. The idea that every career must be in a constant state of action doesn’t allow for the natural state of professionalism to take hold. You are at your most professional point in your career when you can afford to procrastinate about where you want your career to go.


If you have doubts about how constructive procrastination can be a valuable asset to your career, consider how entrepreneurs manage their decisions. Make constructive procrastination a vital part of your career choices.

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