Refresh Your Warning Light Knowledge

Refresh Your Warning Light Knowledge Reasons for the Surge In used cars sale 2020-Negosentro

Negosentro | Refresh your warning light knowledge | Since the COVID-19 outbreak, many of us have been advised to work at home due to lockdowns being enforced. As lockdowns are now beginning to ease, getting back behind the steering wheel, after numerous months of only visiting the corner shops may seem daunting. Therefore before returning to work, spend some time refreshing your knowledge on the Highway Code and your car’s warning lights, to boost your confidence.

A survey conducted by LeaseCar UK tested respondents on their knowledge of warning lights. To educate yourself on some of the most important warning signs, keep reading! 

Engine warning light

check_engineIf this light appears it can indicate a possible severe problem, it is advised to get your vehicle checked by a professional as soon as possible if it appears. 29% of respondents thought this symbol indicates low fluid oil!

Tyre pressure monitor warning

tyre_pressureIf your vehicle detects low pressure or a puncture in your tyre, this symbol will illuminate on your dashboard. Most petrol stations will have areas where you can check and refill your tyres or visit your local garage. 16% of respondents confused this with a brake warning light.

Anti-lock braking system warning

absIf your Anti-lock is damaged, it can become ineffective. While some vehicles can be safe to drive without ABS, it is best to get it checked by a professional. Therefore If this light illuminates, take it to a garage when possible. 43% of respondents got this warning light correct!

Battery charge warning

batteryIf this light appears, It could indicate numerous different issues, such as a faulty battery, an alternator fault or a broken drive. It is important to get the vehicle checked immediately so the problem can be identified. Only 4% of respondents got this incorrect! 

Engine coolant warning light 

coolantIf this warning appears on your dashboard, it could indicate your coolant level is too high and overheating. Take your vehicle into a garage to be looked over if you’re unsure how to check it yourself. 75% of respondents got this light correct!

Brake system warning light 

brakeThis is one of the most important warnings to remember, take your vehicle to a professional immediately. If this warning appears your brake fluid could be low and the brake system may become ineffective and cause further damage. 52% of respondents thought this was a seatbelt problem.

Every vehicle is different; therefore it is important to read your handbook, as there could be warning lights unique to your car. If you would like to test your own warning light knowledge, take the quiz to see how well you do and share your results using the hashtag #WarningLightsTest.

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