Richard Branson: How to Build a Brand


by Jack Preston, Content Manager of |

Richard Branson was recently in Egypt, where he spent some time talking to eniGma Magazine about life as the head of Virgin.

One of the key points which Branson was keen to stress, was the importance of a brand name: Your brand or your name is simply your reputation, you have to fight in life to protect that as it means everything. Nothing is more important.

Throughout the talk he told a number of fascinating tales, including how he first came across the idea of starting his very own airline.

Ive never thought of myself as a businessman, Ive just come across situations in life where Ive thought dammit, we can do so much better than this! There was one evening where I was flying from Puerto Rico to the Virgin Islands, where the love of my life was waiting for me, explained the Virgin Group Founder.

The American airline decided to bump us all and cancel the flight as there werent enough people on the flight, but I was determined to get there that night. I went to the back of the airport, hired a plane and borrowed a blackboard. I wrote on the blackboard Single to the Virgin Islands: $29 Virgin, I walked around the airport and filled the plane with everyone waiting and managed to fill up my first plane.

Have you any advice for entrepreneurs who wish to develop their brand? Here is Richard Branson:

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Bonus Video: Marc Ecko – Advice On Building Your Own Brand

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