Side hustles you can do using the skills you already have

Side hustles you can do using the skills you already have Finance-Startup-Business-Idea

Side hustles you can do using the skills you already have | With the world economy in flux in the wake of the ongoing pandemic – the old goal of finding a steady job for life is increasingly becoming a thing of the past. To combat this, many people are looking for a side hustle to run alongside their normal job, and are combining several side gigs to create a full-time income.

The logic behind is sound. Combining three to five side hustles that are independent of each other can create a decent income, with the added security that if one of those things goes into a lull or just stops (as the result of a pandemic, for instance) the others can be relied on.

While this does look like a more robust plan than relying on a single employer in a precarious economy, it all depends on which side gigs are selected and how you balance your time in between the various tasks. With that in mind, here are some suggestions for side hustles you might not have thought of.

#1 Teaching foreign students your native language

This is one job you might not have realized you were probably qualified for. A number of parents, particularly in China and parts of the Middle East, are keen for their children to be able to speak English. While there are plenty of ways of learning a foreign language, there are always those that get the most out of being taught face to face.

You can set yourself up with one of the many agencies that facilitate this and you should be good to go after the usual security checks. Because of the time difference, this side gig, which pays quite well but only for a few hours at a time, can fit neatly either before or after normal business hours.

#2 Courier driver

This can take many forms, with the multi-drop driver of the type used by Amazon the first type that springs to mind. This can pay quite well, but those types of delivery driver jobs take up a lot of time. Another alternative is to sign-up for delivery driver jobs via Shiply or a similar company that organizes couriers for single jobs.

This way you can do the jobs that appeal to you (spend a few hours driving to the other side of the state to collect and deliver something that was bought on eBay, for example) and spend the rest of the time doing one of your other side gigs.

#3 Odd job person

If you’re even halfway handy, you might be surprised at the amount of work there is mowing lawns, putting up pictures or putting together flat pack furniture, or even clearing out garages. Many people do not have time or the ability to do the kind of things most of us would spend our weekends doing, so there are websites that bring together those people and those with handy skills.

As you can see, side gigs don’t have to be about setting up websites or e-commerce, Forex or bitcoin gigs. There are plenty of things you can do using the skills and equipment you already have.

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