Standards and Scalability: Is Automated Screening the Future of Job Interviews?

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Artificial intelligence is taking root in almost every sector of work around the world, so it makes sense that it would have a hand in the job screening process. In fact, automated screening is becoming a commonplace part of the interview process in many big businesses.

Use of AI helps interviewers narrow down recruits based on specific criteria before they begin the often lengthy meeting process. It also helps the employer save time and money by eliminating those applicants who are not qualified before they get through the door.

With all of these benefits and more, it’s no wonder some of the biggest companies in the world are turning to automated screening to conduct their job interviews.

So, how do you know what to expect out of the automated screening process?

Tools Used in the Job Screening Process

When a company is looking to hire, AI can be used from start to finish. To find star talent, companies begin with posting openings on career sites. AI is used to analyze resumes when they are sent in. Employers can determine certain words or phrases that they are looking for, program them in to the AI computer, and then sit back and wait for the end results.

Once the resumes are sorted for words and phrases, they can then be searched for skills and requirements. Pre-screening can be done so that candidates who do not meet specific requirements or don’t have skills and competencies that the job needs are quickly removed from the final pool of applicants.

Candidates who seem promising will then have their employment record and qualifications verified to prove they are who they say they are and the have the skills they have added on their resumes.

When the final resumes are chosen, potential employees can then be put through an in-depth assessment and job simulation before they even get to a live person so that only those who are highly qualified for the job will make it to the final interview stage.

A Standardized, Scalable Interview Process

When it comes to highly specialized areas of employment such as coding, scalable testing to help hire developers is a crucial component to job interviews. By creating a standardized, scalable interview process, applicants know what to expect and employers know they are getting qualified candidates before they put them in these important positions.

In this kind of a process, interviewers and interviewees can conduct phone and in-person interviews in a controlled, shared coding environment. This provides equipment and resources that may not be accessible in a regular interview setting.

Employers can also create a video-based paired coding session to set specific objectives that can measure what the applicant is capable of. This can be done by leveraging multiple different programming languages, depending on the IDE used.

The interview questions in the assessment can be custom made or selected from a predetermined library of choices. These interview results can then be saved and shared with others as necessary.

A Simplified Way to Interview

This type of interview process is becoming the way to go with companies who hire remotely and those who do in-person interviews but don’t want to have to use that time to screen out unqualified candidates. Whether you are the interviewer or the interviewee, this innovative process can save you time, stress, and money by streamlining the interview process and making it specialized to your needs.

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