How to Stay Energized During the Busy Work Week

How-to-Stay-Energized-During-the-Busy Work Week Energize, Life, Work-life-balance, meditation
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by Ann Gabriel | |

No matter how high your levels of energy are, we’ve all had those workdays where we wish to break free, curl up and doze off. Stress can affect our productive groove especially when we are faced with conflicting priorities: family, work, travel, leisure. Luckily, we’ve provided you tips on how to stay energized throughout your busy work week to inoculate yourself against energy suckage.

1. Move your body

Exercise is good for the body. When you work out, you remove stress and negativity away from life. You for a connection with nature Moving your body not only improves cardiovascular health, it improves cerebrovascular health. Recent studies show that exercise improves brain function, structure, and connectivity which is linked to improved learning, memory, and cognitive function. What’s good about it is that you can spend quality time with yourself or with a friend.

How to Stay Energized During the Busy Work Week, Energize, Life, Work-life balance
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2. Rest your brain

Just like we train our bodies to achieve different levels of physical strength, we have the power to train our brains through a mindfulness practice such as meditation. Calming our mind helps us achieve greater mental strength. Unwind and destress by enjoying peace in silence before the busy day starts. While some spend their time alone, others take power naps to regain the energy that was lost. The secret of power naps is to combat fatigue and stay on top of things at work and at home. Napping for approximately 30 to 60 minutes is good for decision-making skills.

3. Eat the right nutrition mix

You don’t have to be a nutritionist to know that food is fuel but you have to be smart in your food choices. Surely, sugar and bread can give you that quick jolt of energy but may leave you crashed at the end of the day. Complex carbohydrates, like grains, replace this with a steady energy supply that keeps you going.

How to Stay Energized During the Busy Work Week, Energize, Life, Work-life balance
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4. Balance hard work with playtime

Back in the day, we are accustomed to people working from 8am-5pm Mondays to Fridays. These days, people work anywhere between 50-70 hours a week extended. Individuals are used to working at home even after office hours and this is not sustainable to our well-being. If we don’t prioritize harmony between work and getting a life, you won’t get to enjoy the other things that the world has to offer.  Schedule time for yourself on and commit to it as you would an important work meeting.

5. Be grateful

One of the most powerful ways to re-energize yourself on an awful day is to remind yourself that bad things are never permanent. Remind yourself why your life is wonderful.  Research shows that gratitude has all kinds of health benefits, including stress reduction.


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