Study: Marketers Finding Reinvention Difficult


by Kevin Allen |

With technology and media trends shifting faster than ever, marketers are tasked with staying current with every turn. A new study shows that marketers know they have to reinvent themselves, but they don’t always know how.

Adobe’s “Digital Roadblock: Marketers Struggle to Reinvent Themselves” study shows that 40 percent of marketers say they want to reinvent themselves but don’t know how to do it. Lack of training and “organizational inability to adapt” were both cited as key obstacles to becoming better marketers.

Reinvention has become more necessary as well. About 64 percent of those surveyed expect their role to change in the next year, while 81 percent believe it will change in the next three years. Change is inevitable, it seems.

So, what’s needed to stay ahead of the curve?

  • More risks
  • More digital talent
  • Data-driven decision making
  • Personalized marketing

You can read the full study here.

On a somewhat related note, the Canadian Marketing Association has one idea for transforming marketing: Make it a musical!

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