The Pros And Cons Of Working Remotely

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Working from an office doesn’t suit the specifics of every job; in many cases, working remotely – be it from home or a coffee shop – creates a healthier work ethic and a more sustainable business model, for both employers and employees. The amount of remote positions that are readily available have rapidly increased over the past decade or so, with the advent of accessible, yet powerful, communication technologies displacing the need for centralized work hubs.

Pro: Your Employees Benefit From Their Home Comforts

Remote positions are ideal for people seeking flexibility and, ultimately, a relaxed schedule. Working a nine-to-five job that demands one’s presence in the office can be quite draining and inhibitive of the cultivation of morale. The rigidity of this kind of scheduling can too easily discourage not only the enjoyment of one’s work, but the quality of it. As any recruitment expert (like the hiring associates at IQ Partners or a similarly reputable company) will agree, dissatisfaction with working conditions will inevitably stifle the work in every possible sense. Not only does working remotely – from home or a place of their choosing – bring a kind of uncanny joy to one’s work, it morphs the workday into something entirely new.

Pro: Remote Jobs Can Help Companies Prioritize Accessibility

One of the most revolutionary aspects of working remotely is the kind of inclusiveness it makes possible. People who were once unable to work – due to a disability or illness – can now do so from the comfort of their own homes. A development of this caliber opens up the workforce to a large demographic of new candidates. In this sense, it ought to be seriously considered as an option for potential workers and older employees alike.

Con: Distraction Is Amplified

If a worker is undisciplined, it’s likely they won’t succeed in settings that require they make their own schedules. Abiding by a self-made itinerary isn’t the easiest task for those who require outside incentives. As a result, this may not be the kind of work for everyone. While there may not be a daily commute, the lack of structure can be just as time consuming. Indeed, some individuals even resort to working from bed, an otherwise unheard-of method for creating a makeshift office.

Con: There’s No Interpersonal Element To Labour

Remote work can be rather isolating, in that there are no team members to rely upon when the times get tough. In this way, it’s ideal for introverts who feel anxious while working amongst others. For the extrovert, this is by no means an ideal situation.

All in all, it seems that pros of working remotely outweigh the cons – ultimately, the inclusivity it entails ought to trump the possibly isolating nature of the work. It is, ultimately, a case-by-case conundrum, depending on the personal attributes of the employee, in the last analysis. In any case, it’s important to seriously account for what remote positions could do for your company today.

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