Tips on How to Be More Productive

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Have you become bogged down by too many tasks, or found concentration difficult with so much to do? Feverishly blasting away at multiple jobs all at once may well get everything done, but it doesn’t mean you’ll always be able to operate at the level you know you’re capable of.

To achieve more from the mass of work you have to do, follow these simple tips for organising your life a little more simply and becoming more productive in the process.

Practice self-care for wellbeing

Now, you’ve probably heard a lot about this over the last couple of years. In fact, in late 2018, Apple named self-care and wellbeing their app trend of the year. To begin your new journey of peak productivity, the first thing you need to focus on is not your quixotic to-do list – the key is, in fact, to focus on yourself first.

By working towards improving your mental, physical and, yes, even your spiritual health, you can become more focused by prioritising your most important faculty – you.

Identify your peak hours of the day

With this new-found focus in place, you’ll be in a better position to identify when you are best positioned yourself to work at your peak. According to Medium, this incredible “productivity hack is just listening to your own body and working with it, not against it.”

This way, you’ll also be able to schedule when you are most likely to need a break, when you should eat and even what time you should go to sleep.

Take out the trash and de-clutter

Okay, you may already be quite a tidy person. However, it’s inevitable that, when you are working hard, things begin to pile up. Whether it’s papers, dishes, ideas or even the files on your desktop, de-cluttering actually helps to calm the mind. With less ‘stuff’ around you, there are immediately fewer things on your mind.

This still applies, even if much of what you throw away you haven’t thought about in a long time. A little like self-care, this is just a simple way of putting a little work in, here and there, on the smaller things that can build up over time.

Pick an area dedicated to you

Finally, take a little look even further around you and ask yourself if the place where you want to be most productive is right for you. Do you need a new desk? Any new equipment? Even the chair you sit in can impact your mood and productivity. If you regularly work or get a little creative at home, have you considered a new interior or perhaps a loft or home extension?

If you intend to remain at peak productivity for as long as possible, then where you work is absolutely key. Look for a building company with a good reputation locally, and discuss what you hope for in your new workspace. If you’re in the North East of England, Findley Roofing & Building perform many different building services in Newcastle, Sunderland and County Durham.

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